News Sheet
Click on the date to open the relevant news sheet
- 27th December 2015
Cumbria 2015 Flood Appeal,
Ministry of Flowers, Ministry in the Circuit,
Signpost International Greetings,
Scottish Bible Society.
- 20th December 2015
Cumbria 2015 Flood Appeal,
Celebrating with others at Christmas,
Methodist Publishing, President's and Vice-President's Christmas Messages,
Scottish Bible Society.
- 13th December 2015
Communion Offering today,
Christmas Cards, Cumbria 2015 Flood Appeal,
The Methodist understanding of marriage,
International Bible Reading Association,
Scottish Bible Society.
- 6th December 2015
Communion Offering next Sunday,
The Christmas Tree,
Preaching Plan,
International Bible Reading Association,
The Methodist understanding of marriage,
Statements on Syria, Circuit Preachers' Meeting,
Christmas Tree assembly, Christmas Tree decoration,
Dundee Choral Union, Dewhurst Cotton Reels - latest news,
Scottish Bible Society.
- 29th November 2015
Singing the Faith,
Coffee at the Manse, Flowers - further reminder and request,
International Bible Reading Association,
Preaching Plan, Junior Mission for All, Scotland Methodist District News,
The Samuel Chorus concert, The Impromptu Singers concert,
Scottish Bible Society,
Barnabas Fund,
Dundee Choral Union.
- 22nd November 2015
Singing the Faith, Junior Mission for All,
Coffee at the Manse, Flowers - further reminder and request,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group Events,
International Bible Reading Association,
Preaching Plan, Attacks in Paris, Café setting out,
Advent Quiet Day,
Scottish Bible Society,
The Samuel Chorus concert, The Impromptu Singers concert,
Dundee Choral Union.
- 15th November 2015
Singing the Faith, Christmas celebrations, Junior Mission for All,
Coffee at the Manse, Circuit Meeting résumé, Flowers,
International Bible Reading Association,
Scottish Bible Society,
“Forming Missional Communities”,
District Representative Synod, Christmas Fayre.
- 8th November 2015
Singing the Faith, Rota reminder, Flowers,
International Bible Reading Association,
Pastoral Committee, Broughty Ferry Churches Group,
Circuit Meeting,
Scottish Bible Society,
“Forming Missional Communities”.
- 1st November 2015
Circuit Meeting,
Singing the Faith,
International Bible Reading Association,
Pastoral Committee, Broughty Ferry Churches Group meeting,
Circuit Leadership Team, Circuit Preachers, Organ and Clarinet recital,
Scottish Bible Society,
Dewhurst Cotton Reels update,
“Forming Missional Communities”.
- 25th October 2015
Changes to meetings on 'The Church and Marriage',
Singing the Faith,
International Bible Reading Association,
St Paul's Cathedral 160th anniversary festival:
Lunchtime walk; Evening of Poetry and Music;
Talk on cathedral history; Flower Festival;
Hillfoot Harmony concert; festival Eucharist; Ceilidh,
Church Stewards' meeting,
Scottish Bible Society,
Dewhurst Cotton Reels update, Organ and Clarinet recital,
“Forming Missional Communities”.
- 18th October 2015
Changes to meetings on 'The Church and Marriage',
Singing the Faith, Safeguarding,
International Bible Reading Association,
“We are a family: the changing face of family
ministry”, Lunchtime concert,
Scottish Bible Society,
Dewhurst Cotton Reels update, Organ and Clarinet recital,
“Forming Missional Communities”.
- 11th October 2015
Communion Offering today,
Changes to meetings on 'The Church and Marriage',
Singing the Faith, Worship Consultation résumé,
Scottish Bible Society,
“We are a family: the changing face of family
ministry”, “Forming Missional Communities”.
- 4th October 2015
All We Can (MRDF),
Keyholders and Safeguarding,
Worship Consultation - open to all, Church Council résumé,
Open Meeting - The Church and Marriage, Church Council,
Scottish Bible Society,
Dewhurst Cotton Reels wanted!!,
“We are a family: the changing face of family
- 27th September 2015
All We Can (MRDF),
Keyholders and Safeguarding, Dundee Doors Open Weekend,
Worship Consultation - open to all, Circuit Meeting résumé,
Open Meeting - The Church and Marriage, Church Council,
Scottish Bible Society,
Dewhurst Cotton Reels wanted!!,
“We are a family: the changing face of family
- 20th September 2015
Keyholders and Safeguarding,
Blairgowrie Congregation,
Property updates, Circuit Meeting,
Scottish Bible Society,
Dewhurst Cotton Reels wanted!!, Church Council,
“We are a family: the changing face of family
“Ecumenical Opportunities for Mission”.
- 13th September 2015
Dundee Open Doors Weekend,
Keyholders and Safeguarding,
Blairgowrie Congregation,
Property updates,
Scottish Bible Society,
Dewhurst Cotton Reels wanted!!, Circuit Meeting,
“We are a family: the changing face of family
“Ecumenical Opportunities for Mission”.
- 6th September 2015
Welcome Service thanks,
Dundee Open Doors Weekend,
Blairgowrie Congregation,
Sponsored Cycle Ride,
Circuit Preachers' Meeting,
Finance and Property Committee,
Scottish Bible Society,
Dewhurst Cotton Reels wanted!!,
“We are a family: the changing face of family
“Ecumenical Opportunities for Mission”.
- 30th August 2015
Circuit's Welcome Service to Nick Baker and family,
Dundee Open Doors Weekend,
Dewhurst Cotton Reels wanted!!,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group,
“Transforming Scotland”,
Circuit Leadership Team,
Scottish Bible Society,
Dundee Food Bank,
Hot Chocolate,
“We are a family: the changing face of family
“Ecumenical Opportunities for Mission”.
- 23rd August 2015
Circuit Ministerial and Other Cover,
Prayer Handbook 2015-16,
Circuit Welcome service for the Rev Nick Baker and his family,
Dundee Open Doors Weekend,
Dewhurst Cotton Reels wanted!!,
Barnabas Fund: Safe Havens for Christians,
“Creation Time” 2015,
Scottish Bible Society,
Dundee Food Bank,
Hot Chocolate,
“We are a family: the changing face of family
“Ecumenical Opportunities for Mission”.
- 16th August 2015
Circuit Ministerial and Other Cover,
Visit of the President of Conference,
Prayer Handbook 2015-16,
Dewhurst Cotton Reels wanted!!,
Dundee Open Doors Weekend,
Barnabas Fund: Safe Havens for Christians,
Scottish Bible Society,
Dundee Food Bank,
Hot Chocolate,
Circuit Welcome service for the Rev Nick Baker and his family,
“Ecumenical Opportunities for Mission”.
- 9th August 2015
Circuit Ministerial and Other Cover,
Visit of the President of Conference,
Dewhurst Cotton Reels wanted!!,
Dundee Open Doors Weekend,
Prayer Handbook 2015-16,
Scottish Bible Society,
Dundee Food Bank,
Hot Chocolate,
Circuit Welcome service for the Rev Nick Baker and his family,
“Ecumenical Opportunities for Mission”.
- 2nd August 2015
- Worship next Sunday, Gift Aid,
Circuit Ministerial and Other Cover,
Visit of the President of Conference,
Preaching Plan for September - November,
Dewhurst Cotton Reels wanted!!,
Dundee Open Doors Weekend,
Scottish Bible Society,
Dundee Food Bank,
Hot Chocolate,
“Ecumenical Opportunities for Mission”.
- 26th July 2015
- Gift Aid, Circuit Ministerial and Other Cover,
Visit of the President of Conference,
Worship on Sunday 9th August,
Preaching Plan for September - November,
Dundee Open Doors Weekend,
Trip to Israel 2016, Scottish Bible Society,
Dundee Food Bank,
Hot Chocolate,
“Ecumenical Opportunities for Mission”.
- 19th July 2015
- Circuit Ministerial and Other Cover,
Visit of the President of Conference,
Methodist Tartan lambswool scarves,
Dundee Open Doors Weekend,
Trip to Israel 2016, Methodist Conference - online “catch-up”,
Concert given by
Chamber Philharmonia of Cologne, Scottish Bible Society,
Dundee Food Bank,
Hot Chocolate,
“Ecumenical Opportunities for Mission”.
- 12th July 2015
- Worship today,
Welcome to the Rev Nick Baker and family,
District Synod Spring 2016,
Visit of the President of Conference,
Methodist Tartan lambswool scarves,
Dundee Open Doors Weekend,
Trip to Israel 2016,
Scottish Bible Society,
Hot Chocolate,
Dundee Food Bank,
“Ecumenical Opportunities for Mission”.
- 5th July 2015
- Worship next week, Property News,
Manse Open Day,
Welcome to the Rev Nick Baker and family,
District Synod Spring 2016,
How can we be involved?
Dundee Food Bank,
Visit of the President of Conference,
Methodist Conference Appointments,
Methodist Tartan lambswool scarves,
Scottish Bible Society.
- 28th June 2015
- Ministerial Cover, Methodist Conference 2015,
New Manse in Dundee,
Welcome to the Rev Nick Baker and family,
General Church Meeting résumé,
Dundee Open Doors Weekend, Hot Chocolate,
Harvest celebration,
Food Bank thanks,
Scottish Bible Society.
- 21st June 2015
- General Church Meeting,
Methodist Prayer Handbook 2015-16,
Food Bank thanks,
Methodist Conference 2015,
Climate Change Lobby,
Scottish Bible Society.
- 14th June 2015
- Methodist Homes Sunday, General Church Meeting - next Sunday,
Preaching Plan for June-August 2015,
Ministers on the Move,
Solas Festival - Methodist Tent,
Food Bank thanks, Methodist Prayer Handbook 2015-16,
Methodist Homes, Circuit Preachers' Meeting,
Setting out for General Church Meeting,
St Paul's Lunchtime concert,
Scottish Bible Society.
- 7th June 2015
Preaching Plan for June-August 2015,
“Hot Chocolate” Visit - Learning & Development Forum,
General Church Meeting - Sunday 21st June,
Ministers on the Move, Food Bank thanks,
Exhibition of Paintings by Liz Kay,
Methodist Prayer Handbook 2015-16,
Solas Festival - Methodist Tent,
Scottish Bible Society
St Paul's Lunchtime concert.
- 31st May 2015
Preaching Plan for June-August 2015,
Water Damage in Marketgait,
Exhibition of Paintings by Liz Kay,
Methodist Prayer Handbook 2015-16,
Solas Festival - Methodist Tent,
Methodist support for relief work in Nepal,
Methodist Church: Past Safeguarding Cases Review,
Dundee Methodists and Food Banks - updates,
Stewards' Meeting,
Children, Church and the Digital Age,
St Paul's Lunchtime concert,
Scottish Bible Society.
- 24th May 2015
Preaching Plan for June to August 2015 (note amendments),
Christian Aid Week: May 10th-16th,
Café-service setting out, Fresh Expressions Vision Day,
Scottish Bible Society,
MAYC 70th Birthday,
Children, Church and the Digital Age.
- 17th May 2015
Preaching Plan for June to August 2015,
Christian Aid Week: May 10th-16th,
Scottish Bible Society,
Fresh Expressions Vision Day.
- 10th May 2015
Next week's preacher,
Preaching Plan for June to August 2015,
Property News - Water, Christian Aid Week: May 10th-16th,
Christian Aid Week Flower Festival,
Link Club AGM, Concert by the
Monifieth Singers, Songs of Praise,
Scottish Bible Society.
- 3rd May 2015
Christian Aid Week Flower Festival,
Dundee Methodists and Food Banks - updates,
UK General Election: Thursday,
Signpost International,
Scottish Bible Society,
Fresh Expressions Vision Day.
- 26th April 2015
- Blairgowrie and Montrose Methodists,
Church Redecoration,
Mediterranean Migration Crisis,
Christian Aid Week Flower Festival,
Dundee Methodists and Food Banks - updates,
Café Service planning meeting,
Lecture for International Workers Memorial Day,
Scottish Bible Society,
Fresh Expressions Vision Day.
- 19th April 2015
- Church Painting this week,
Easter Offering Envelopes,
General Church Meeting - Sunday 21st June,
Dundee Methodists and Food Banks - updates,
“the connexion”,
Broughty Ferry Lent Soup Lunches,
Christian Aid Week Flower Festival,
Election hustings - Dundee East,
Synod, Christian Aid Tay Bridge Crossing,
Scottish Bible Society,
Fresh Expressions Vision Day.
- 12th April 2015
Easter Offering Envelopes,
Riverside Methodist Church, Blairgowrie: Organ Farewell!,
Dundee Methodists and Food Banks - updates,
General Church Meeting - Sunday 21st June,
Joint Public Issues Team,
Scottish Bible Society,
Fresh Expressions Vision Day.
- 5th April 2015
Easter Offering Envelopes,
Riverside Methodist Church, Blairgowrie: Organ Farewell!,
Change to Holy Communion,
Dundee Methodists and Food Banks - updates,
Holiness and Risk event - change of plan,
General Church Meeting - Sunday 21st June,
EMU Faith in Action Prayer Guides,
St Andrews University Madrigal Group concert,
Scottish Bible Society,
Fresh Expressions Vision Day.
- 29th March 2015
- Holy Week Fast,
Easter Worship in Marketgait,
Easter Offering Envelopes,
Doors Open Day 2015,
Pastoral Committee résumé,
UNICEF Vanuatu Appeal,
Dundee Methodists and Food Banks - updates,
Holiness and Risk event - change of plan,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group Stations of the Cross,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group services,
Scottish Bible Society,
Fresh Expressions Vision Day.
- 22nd March 2015
Lent and Easter Worship in Marketgait,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group; Lent,
Lenten Studies in City Centre, Lenten / Holy Week Fast,
Doors Open Day 2015,
Dundee Methodists and Food Banks - updates,
District Youth Weekend,
Circuit Meeting points to note,
Handel's “Samson”,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group Lent Group,
Synod Worship planning group,
Soup Lunch in support of Christian Aid,
Pastoral Committee,
setting up for Café Service,
Scottish Bible Society,
Fresh Expressions Vision Day.
- 15th March 2015
Lent and Easter Worship in Marketgait,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group; Lent,
Lenten Studies in City Centre, Lenten / Holy Week Fast,
Doors Open Day 2015,
Dundee Methodists and Food Banks - updates,
District Youth Weekend,
Joint Public Issues Team,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group Lent Group,
Soup Lunch in support of Christian Aid,
Circuit Meeting,
Methodist Women in Britain Scotland District Meeting,
Handel's “Samson”,
Scottish Bible Society, Pastoral Committee,
Fresh Expressions Vision Day,
MAYC 70th Birthday.
- 8th March 2015
Lent and Easter Worship in Marketgait,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group; Lent,
Lenten Studies in City Centre, Lenten / Holy Week Fast,
Doors Open Day 2015,
Preaching Plan: March - May 2015,
Dundee Methodists and Food Banks - updates,
District Youth Weekend,
Churches Mutual Credit Union,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group Lent Group,
Soup Lunch in support of Christian Aid,
District Policy Committee,
Scottish Bible Society,
Methodist Women in Britain Scotland District Meeting,
Fresh Expressions Vision Day.
- 1st March 2015
Lent and Easter Worship in Marketgait,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group; Lent,
Visit of the Rev Nick Baker,
Preaching Plan: March - May 2015,
Dundee Methodists and Food Banks - updates,
District Youth Weekend,
Churches Mutual Credit Union,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group Lent Group,
the Invisible Church”,
Circuit Preachers' Meeting,
Soup Lunch in support of Christian Aid,
Circuit Leadership Team, World Day of Prayer,
Scottish Bible Society.
- 22nd February 2015
Lent and Easter Worship in Marketgait,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group; Lent,
Visit of the Rev Nick Baker,
Preaching Plan: March - May 2015,
Churches Mutual Credit Union,
Dundee Methodists and Food Banks - updates,
District Youth Weekend,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group Lent Group,
Soup Lunch in support of Christian Aid,
Scottish Bible Society, “Investigating
the Invisible Church”.
- 15th February 2015
Visit of the Rev Nick Baker - change of time,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group events,
Upstairs Toilet,
Unpacking Fresh Expressions,
District Youth Weekend,
Dundee Methodists and Food Banks - updates, Church Council,
Soup Lunch in support of Christian Aid,
Ecumenical Service of Ashes,
Meet the Rev Nick Baker,
Scottish Bible Society, “Investigating
the Invisible Church”.
Lent and Easter Worship in Marketgait
- 8th February 2015
Visit of the Rev Nick Baker,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group events,
Upstairs Toilet,
Unpacking Fresh Expressions,
District Youth Weekend,
Dundee Methodists and Food Banks - updates, Worship Consultation,
Scottish Bible Society, “Investigating
the Invisible Church”.
- 1st February 2015
Dundee Methodists and Food Banks - updates,
Visit of the Rev Nick Baker,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group events,
Unpacking Fresh Expressions,
Open Doors breakfast meeting,
District Youth Weekend,
Scottish Bible Society, Broughty Ferry Churches Group meeting,
Church Council.
- 25th January 2015
Dundee Methodists and Food Banks - updates,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group events,
Visit of the Rev Nick Baker,
Unpacking Fresh Expressions,
Open Doors breakfast meeting,
'"God, Science and Origins" - How do they fit together?',
Scottish Bible Society.
- 18th January 2015
- Week of Prayer for Christian Unity: Unity Octave,
Dundee Methodists and Food Banks - updates,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group events,
“the connexion”,
Scottish Churches Housing Action,
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Service,
Scottish Bible Society.
- 11th January 2015
Dundee Methodists and Food Banks - updates,
Methodist publications, Church Credit Union,
Scottish Churches Housing Action,
Finance and Property Committee,
SCHA Act of worship,
Scottish Bible Society,
Tayside Re-Users.
- 4th January 2015
Flower Rota,
Ministerial Family Visit,
Dundee Methodists and Food Banks - updates,
Scottish Bible Society, Aldrian Songgaling - Philippines,
Tayside Re-Users.