Dundee Methodist Church

12 April 2015

Next Sunday
19 April 2015

11 am
Worship including Act of Confirmation for Joseph Yankson conducted by the Rev Mary Patterson
Communion Offering for the Fund for the Support of Presbyters and Deacons

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

Easter Offering Envelopes

Easter Offering Envelopes are available, for return as soon as possible, please, through the offering plate. This annual Appeal is in support of the world-wide Church and the theme this year is “The Tree of Life” from Methodist Women in Britain which we have followed in our weekly Lenten Liturgy.

Riverside Methodist Church, Blairgowrie: Organ Farewell!

As part of the sale of our premises in Blairgowrie, the organ has been sold to a keen purchaser from Spain. Our friends at Riverside send the following invitation to mark this:

“We are giving a farewell send-off to our historic organ, which will be dismantled on the following Monday and taken to Spain. It will continue to provide uplifting hymns and music to a congregation in a church near Seville.

Firstly, a short service will be held at Riverside Methodist Church between 6.00 & 6.30 pm on Saturday 18th April 2015. Everyone will be welcome.

Following the service and starting at 7.00 pm there will be a Final Organ concert, free of charge and open to all, with Austin Wilkie and Christine Aston as organists. We are pleased to welcome soprano Erin Nicoll, student at Grove Academy Dundee. Erin was winner of the Arbroath Music Festival, regional finalist in the Rotary Club Young Vocalist of the Year 2015 & Dundee Schools' Young Vocalist of the Year 2015. The Lyric choir will also be performing.

Altogether, this promises to be an excellent event. Refreshments will be available afterwards, for which a small donation would be appreciated.”

Dundee Methodists and Food Banks - updates

Dundee Foodbank logo
  • Our continued support for the Dundee Foodbank has again received thank from its organisers.
  • Please place items in the large bucket on the upstairs landing - clean plastic bags are also welcome.

General Church Meeting - Sunday 21st June

Please note the date of this important act of worship and business meeting at which reports are given and discussions are held on the life of Methodists based in Marketgait.

Elections will be required for all Church Stewards, with need to replace at least one member of the current team: Fiona is stepping down on 31st August and we also are aware of the demands on Chi Tak because of his family situation in Hong Kong. Please consider this carefully and prayerfully; the Church Stewards are happy to talk with anyone interested or able to suggest persons who might be approached.

The GCM also elects representatives to the Church Council.

(Jenny Easson Senior Church Steward)

Joint Public Issues Team

The Joint Public Issues Team is the face and action of “Churches working together … to live out the gospel of Christ in church and society”. Its members are

  • Baptists Together
  • The Church of Scotland
  • The Methodist Church
  • The United Reformed Church

Since 2007 the JPIT has combined the expertise of the Baptist Union, the Methodist Church, and the URC in the area of public issues. In March 2015 the Church of Scotland joined JPIT for a one year pilot partnership. The Team aims to enable the four churches to work together, promoting equality and justice by influencing those in power and by energising and supporting local congregations.

JPIT groups its work under umbrella titles:

  • Peacemaking
  • Environment
  • Politics and economics
  • Social justice
  • Social issues
  • International affairs.

Looking to the forthcoming UK General Election, a briefing entitled "Faith in Action" has been prepared; there is a version for Scotland, omitting areas of Westminster policy that do not include Scotland. Many links to relevant resources are listed on the JPIT General Election pages.

Meetings this week

Date & timeVenueDetails
Saturday 18th April 2015, 6pm - 6.30pm Riverside Methodist Church, Blairgowrie Short Service
Saturday 18th April 2015, 7pm Riverside Methodist Church, Blairgowrie Final Organ Concert, free of charge and open to all, with Austin Wilkie and Christine Aston as organists, soprano Erin Nicoll, and the Lyric choir. Refreshments will be available afterwards, for which a small donation would be appreciated.

Support other Organisations

Bible Society

Our support via the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in April for work in Mexico.

Our prayerful attention this week is drawn to

  • sales, distribution and outreach programme of the Bible Society in Ecuador;
  • recent Dia de la Biblia (Bible Day) celebration in Spain and work of the Bible Society there;
  • Bible Society promotional work in Slovakia;
  • completion of the 'Life with Jesus' New Testament in modern Slovenian, books already published and distributed at youth festivals.

Forthcoming events

Date & timeVenueDetails
Saturday 30th May 2015, 11am to c 3pm - bring lunch, drinks provided. Bankfoot Church Centre, Tulliebelton Road, Bankfoot, Perth PH1 4BS Fresh Expressions Vision Day Imagine Church for those who don't do church. Come and explore new ways of building Christian community. This event, hosted by the Church of Scotland, is for all interested in Fresh Expressions of Church.
The cost is £12 including soup and sandwich lunch. Booking form.

Prayer Points for this week

  • the President and Vice-President of Conference on the Isle of Man next weekend;
  • preparations for District Synod in Edinburgh;
  • Rev John Butterfield on Sabbatical until July;
  • our friends in Blairgowrie at this time of change;
  • Chetna Vikas working with women in India (Christian Aid);
  • work in Guinea and Nigeria ( The Leprosy Mission);
  • residents and staff in Bolton and Rochdale (Methodist Homes);
  • Bible Society work in Mexico;
  • work in Tanzania and in Bangladesh ( MAF);
  • workshops at Zvartnotz, Beirut (Embrace);
  • we pray with and for the peoples of Japan, North Korea, South Korea, and Taiwan (WCC);
  • we remember fellow Methodists in the Vale of Aylesbury (Northampton District) and in Partick (Strathclyde Circuit).