Dundee Methodist Church

10 May 2015

Next Sunday
17 May 2015

11 am
Worship led by Mrs Judy Jarvis

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

We remember our Circuit friends in Riverside Church Blairgowrie as they hold their final act of worship in the building today. From next week they will meet for worship at 11.30am in “an upper room” in St Catharine's Episcopal Church premises.

Next week's preacher

We express a warm welcome to Mrs Judy Jarvis who is to lead worship in Marketgait next Sunday. Judy, a former Vice-President of Conference, and her husband, Eric, moved north to Perth several years ago. This is the first time she will have led and shared worship with our congregation.

Preaching Plan for June to August 2015

A draft Plan is available from Keith Pearson; the final published version will be circulated and printed as soon as possible.

Property News - Water

Towards and after the close of last Sunday's worship, it became evident that there was water entering our building, during prolonged heavy rain. Both the upstairs worship room and the 2 main downstairs rooms were affected, the downstairs back room most and upstairs least. A blockage at or near ground level in the middle down-pipe between inner and outer walls on the south side of our premises was found to be the cause of the problem. Short-term action has been taken to stop the flow of water into the pipe. In the longer term, an access to the lower part of the pipe via the L shaped room will be created. Damaged ceiling tiles will also need to be replaced.

It is hoped that all rooms will be more or less available for use this coming week, although there may still be residual signs of the water and its effects.

Warmest thanks are expressed to those who dealt so promptly with the immediate situation last Sunday, and especially to those have continued this work, liaising with contractors, clearing and monitoring rooms, daily during the week, those who have contacted insurers, users, and others who need to know or be involved. For the latest situation, contact Lorna or Sandy.

Christian Aid Week: May 10th-16th

Christian Aid Week logo

The focus for fund and awareness-raising this week is on the disproportionate amount of work done by women around the world, along with a corresponding lack of power. Case studies highlight communities in Ethiopia, where a woman's ownership of a cow gives her a voice in her community, as well as an income to feed and educate her children.

Envelopes are available on the vestibule table; if you have not received one through the door or are unable to return it, you may do so via the offering plate in the coming weeks. Margaret (Christian Aid rep) will forward donations.

Christian Aid Week Flower Festival

Broughty Ferry Churches Group are to hold a Flower Festival in the New Kirk, Queen Street, from Thursday 14th May to Saturday 16th May, on the theme “Count your Blessings”.

  • New Kirk (Queen Street, Broughty Ferry) will be open between 10am and 4pm each day, with an entry fee of £3 including tea / coffee.
  • On Friday 15th May there will be a Concert by the Monifieth Singers at 7.30pm in New Kirk (tickets £5).
  • On Sunday 17th May, there will be a Songs of Praise in New Kirk, at 3pm.

Meetings this week

Date & timeVenueDetails
Tuesday 12th May 2015, 10.30am - 12 noon Dundee Methodist Church, “L” Link Club AGM
Thursday 14th May to Saturday 16th May 2015, 10am - 4pm Broughty Ferry New Kirk, Queen Street Christian Aid Week Flower Festival, organised by Broughty Ferry Churches Group; entry fee of £3 including tea / coffee.
Friday 15th May, 7.30pm Broughty Ferry New Kirk, Queen Street Concert by the Monifieth Singers (tickets £5).
Sunday 17th May, 3pm Broughty Ferry New Kirk, Queen Street Songs of Praise

Support other Organisations

Bible Society

Our support via the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in May for work here in Scotland. Our prayerful attention in coming weeks is drawn to

  • work in Georgia especially among homeless and displaced families;
  • completed translation of the first full Poqomchi' Bible in Guatemala;
  • Old Testament translations in Suriname, Guyana and French Guiana;
  • expected completion of the Haitian Creole Study Bible in Haiti;
  • translation work on the first full Bible available for around 100,000 Blin speakers in Eritrea.

Prayer Points for this week

  • General Assembly of the Church of Scotland from Saturday 16th - Thursday 21st May;
  • Blairgowrie Methodists and relationships with their Episcopal hosts;
  • Ebola victims, their families & communities, and work to combat the disease and its effects (Christian Aid);
  • residents and staff on the Isle of Man (Methodist Homes);
  • work in Burma, Mongolia, Timor Leste (MAF);
  • at-risk girls helped by Beit al Nour, Beirut (Embrace);
  • work in west India (The Leprosy Mission)
  • Bible Society work in Scotland;
  • we pray with and for the peoples of Kenya & Tanzania (WCC);
  • we remember fellow Methodists in the Nene Valley, (Northampton District) and in East Kilbride (Strathclyde Circuit).