8 February 2015
We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.
Arrangements are now in place to give opportunities for Nick and Tayside Methodists to meet, chat and begin to get to know each other. Dundee (and any other !) Methodists are invited to Marketgait on Thursday 19th February from 2 pm to c4 pm - this is an open invitation to everyone. Coffee, tea and biscuits will be provided. Please put this in your diary - and come!
All Methodists interested in learning about and exploring new ways of are invited to an open event on Saturday 21st February in St George's Tron Church, 163 Buchanan Street, Glasgow, G1 2JX from 10.30 am to 4 pm.
The event will be led by John and Olive Fleming Drane, well known and experienced over many years in this area of church outreach; it aims to provide an opportunity to learn about the approach behind 'Fresh Expressions', to look at a range of examples (eg Messy Church), and to stimulate a series of further discussions in circuits and local congregations.
The event is free but booking is requested, as soon as possible, via the District Office: email: ( fiona@methodistchurch.plus.com, or 01738 820295.
It is hoped that there will be a good number of people from the various circuits and churches throughout the District, gathering for a challenging, stimulating and interesting day together.
Open Doors is a UK organisation 'serving persecuted Christians worldwide', working in Scotland from a base in Prestwick. It is hosting a series of breakfast meetings, and the Dundee breakfast will be at 8 am on Friday 20th March, in the Central Baptist Road, Ward Road. A member of Open Doors field staff will provide an up-to-date account of the situation in the Middle East.
The Rev Mary Patterson has received an invitation to this breakfast, but is unlikely to be able to go. If you would like to go in her stead, please contact her or Jenny Easson.
This gathering for young people in Scotland Methodism is being planned for the weekend of 4th - 6th September at Dalguise, Perthshire. 2 subsidised places are available for each Circuit (offer open until Easter) and the District Advance Fund is also contributing towards the overall cost; a contribution of £25 is requested from or on behalf of each participant.
For more details contact
Please also let the Rev Mary Patterson know if you are interested so Circuit participation can be coordinated.
Date & time | Venue | Details |
Wednesday 4th February 2015, 2.15 pm | St Stephen's & West library | |
Thursday 5th February 2015, 7pm | Dundee Methodist Church, “L” | Church Council |
Our support via the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in February for work in the South Pacific.
Our prayerful attention this week is drawn to
Date & time | Venue | Details |
Thursday 12th February 2015, 7pm | Dundee Methodist Church, “L” | Worship Group - all welcome. |
© 2002—2021 Dundee Methodist Church Scottish Charity number: SC037954.