Dundee Methodist Church

27 September 2015

Next Sunday
4 October 2015

10.45 am
“early singing” - Jenny Easson
11 am
Worship led by Mrs Julya Walsh (in Bulgaria) with Sue Marshall-Jennings (in Dundee)

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, anxious, or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

All We Can (MRDF)

Dundee Methodists have regularly supported the work of All We Can, the former Methodist Relief and Development Fund, during September, through the Communion Offering allocation and individual donations. Envelopes are distributed today for return in the offering plate on coming Sundays.

Keyholders and Safeguarding

All keyholders are asked to contact Sue Marshall-Jennings so she can check our lists are accurate and up-to-date. Thanks!

Dundee Doors Open Weekend

Warm thanks are expressed to all who in any way contributed to the preparation for and holding of last weekend's “Open Doors” participation.

Worship Consultation - open to all

The next gathering for conversation about our worship life in general and in the coming months in particular will be on Thursday 8th October at 7pm. Some time will be spent on “children and worship”. Please contact 'tricia Laurie for information, apologies, or to pass on comments or ideas.

Circuit Meeting résumé

At the meeting on Tuesday, reports from the Leadership Team, Treasurer, and Methodist funds treasurers, Preachers' Secretary, and Safeguarding Officer were received, discussed and accepted.

The current situations of Blairgowrie and Montrose were explored, leading to the decision that they be expected to contribute a nominal level of assessment this year and use the resources they have to explore who they are and where God may be leading them as Methodist people in their communities.

Open Meeting - The Church and Marriage

Methodist Conference in 2016 will be asked to decide whether we should revisit our Church's understanding of “Christian Marriage”, taking into consideration the social and legislative changes of recent years.

As part of the process of preparation for this decision, the Districts, Circuits and congregations have been asked to reflect on the issues involved. Scotland Synod did so at its last meeting. Our Circuit Meeting has arranged an extra meeting on Wednesday 11th November and, as preparation for this, an Open Meeting is to be led by the District's facilitators, the Rev Andrew Letby and Deacon Belinda Letby, in Marketgait on Wednesday 28th October at 7pm. This is a gathering to which all are invited. If you cannot be there and wish to pass on your views, please feel able to do so via the Minister or any Circuit Meeting member (Dundee's members are Jenny as Senior Church Steward, David as Treasurer, 'tricia and Lorna as elected representatives. Sue, Keith, & Sandy are also members of the Meeting as Circuit office-holders).

Meetings this week

Date & timeVenueDetails
Thursday 1st October 2015, 7pm Dundee Methodist Church, “L” Church Council

Support other Organisations

Scottish Bible Society

Our support via the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in September for work in Iraq and in October for work in the Philippines. Our prayerful attention this week is drawn to

  • translation projects in India;
  • funding for Bibles to meet the demand of the rapidly growing church in China:
  • distribution of over 1 million Bibles each year by the Bible Society in the Philippines.

Dewhurst Cotton Reels wanted!!

Beryl Cowling is making a request on behalf of Barbara Glasson to Methodist Women in Britain (MwiB) and all of us.
Barbara Glasson is a Methodist minister, now in Bradford, a city with a mix of ethnicities and religions where the interfaith Touchstone Project is expanding into premises once occupied by the Dewhurst family, famous for making thread and cotton reels.
As part of the fund-raising, Barbara and colleagues wish to amass as many old Dewhurst reels as they can (with thread or not) for (aiming for a whole set of D numbers if possible!). Please rummage through sewing baskets and other (un)likely places to see if you have any Dewhurst reels to donate. Please put them in the box on the vestibule table. Beryl will ensure they reach the project. Fuller details on leaflets on vestibule table or contact Beryl.

Forthcoming events

Date & timeVenueDetails
Thursday 8th October 2015, 7pm Dundee Methodist Church Worship group - all welcome. Provision for children/young people will be discussed.
Wednesday 21st October 2015, 10am (registration & coffee) to 3.15pm (departure). St Silas Episcopal Church, Park Road, Woodlands, Glasgow G4 9JE “We are a family: the changing face of family ministry” - a joint Methodist / ACTS one day conference.
The conference will be hosted jointly by the Methodist Church and the Scottish Churches Children's Group of Action of Churches Together in Scotland (ACTS). The report “We are a family: the changing face of family ministry” is the culmination of two years' ground-breaking research and consultation regarding the current shape of work with families across the Church in the UK undertaken by the Consultative Group on Children's Ministry (CGMC) and the Methodist Church.
The day will be led by Gail Adcock, the Family Ministry Development Officer for The Methodist Church in the UK; Gail has been the lead coordinator for this research project.
This day event will explore a host of different ways in which the Church works with familes and will seek to answer questions, such as:
  • How is the Church working with families today?
  • What does this ministry look like?
  • What training and resources are available for those working in this field?

Also experience the brand new ' Core Skills for Family Ministry' course developed to equip all those working with families and includes reflections from Carrie Longton, co-founder of Mumsnet. Delegates will receive a free edition of the brand new Core Skills Course book. Refreshments and lunch will be provided, a donation towards the catering costs would be appreciated.
For further information contact Gary Williams (Methodist Regional Learning & Development Officer, South); williamsg@methodistchurch.org.uk , tel: 01413323196 mob: 07799900464. Online registration.

Prayer Points for this week

  • the Vice-President of Conference at the Labour Party Conference, Monday - Tuesday;
  • Connexional Leaders' Forum, Monday - Tuesday;
  • District Chairs' Meeting, Tuesday - Wednesday;
  • Service for the launch of the (Episcopal) Scottish Theological Institute, Perth, next Sunday;
  • “Craft Fair” Perth, Saturday;
  • residents, staff and projects in the Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury District (Methodist Homes);
  • Inter-Church Network for Development and Relief working with disadvantaged Lebanese women (Embrace);
  • participants in Church Challenge (Christian Aid);
  • Bible Society work in Iraq and the Philippines;
  • UK support team (MAF);
  • work in Indonesia, Timor-Leste, and Papua New Guinea (The Leprosy Mission);
  • we pray with and for the peoples of Belarus, Russia, Moldova, Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia (WCC);
  • we remember fellow Methodists in Oxford (Northampton District) and all in Grahamston United Church, Falkirk (Central Scotland Circuit).