17 May 2015
Next Sunday 24 May 2015
Aldersgate Sunday
- 11 am
- Worship, including Holy Communion, conducted by
the Rev Dr Gerald Bostock
- Communion Offering for FiSCAF (Faiths
in Scotland Community Action Fund)
We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.
Preaching Plan for June to August 2015
plan for the coming quarter is now online.
Christian Aid Week: May 10th-16th
![Christian Aid Week logo](/images/caweek2015.png) The focus for fund and awareness-raising this week is on
the disproportionate amount of work done by women around
the world, along with a corresponding lack of power.
Case studies highlight communities in Ethiopia, where
a woman's ownership of a cow gives her a voice in her
community, as well as an income to feed and educate
her children.
Envelopes are available on the vestibule table; if
you have not received one through the door or are unable
to return it, you may do so via the offering plate in the
coming weeks. Margaret (Christian Aid rep)
will forward donations.
Bible Society
Our support via the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in May
for work here in Scotland. Our prayerful attention in coming weeks is drawn to
- work in Georgia especially among homeless and displaced families;
- completed translation of the first full
Poqomchi' Bible in Guatemala;
- Old Testament translations in Suriname, Guyana and French Guiana;
- expected completion of the
Haitian Creole Study Bible in Haiti;
- translation work on the first full Bible available for around 100,000 Blin speakers in Eritrea.
Forthcoming events
Prayer Points for this week
- The President and Vice-President of Conference at the Wesley
Day Celebrations Sunday 24th May, and at Cliff College
Festival, Monday 25th May;
General Assembly of the Church of Scotland
from Saturday 16th - Thursday 21st May;
- Blairgowrie Methodists and relationships with their Episcopal hosts;
- Ebola victims, their families & communities, and work to combat the disease and its effects (Christian Aid);
- residents and staff in the
Channel Islands (Methodist Homes);
- work in
Mongolia, Timor Leste (MAF);
- the
Deaf Unit in Cairo (Embrace);
- work in Chad, and Niger (The Leprosy Mission)
- Bible Society work in Scotland;
- we pray with and for the peoples of Malawi & Zambia, Botswana & Zimbabwe (WCC);
- we remember fellow Methodists in
Stamford and Rutland (Northampton District) and in
Shettleston (Strathclyde Circuit).