Dundee Methodist Church

2 August 2015

Next Sunday
9 August 2015

11 am
Worship arranged by members of the congregation

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, anxious, or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

Worship next Sunday

The Service in Marketgait next Sunday will be based round favourite hymns, prayers, readings, meditations, etc. 'tricia Laurie is collecting the material for this so please contact her today or as soon as possible; suggestions or items may also be emailed to her and Sue Marshall-Jennings.

Gift Aid

A sizeable sum has now been paid into the church bank account in respect of Gift Aid. Many thanks go to Mary Foster for her administration of our Gift Aid and also to all who have made contributions through Sunday offerings or Standing Orders, by means of “small donations” or through the Gift Appeal which fell in the latest complete tax year. A total of £155.03 of this money has been passed on to the three Methodist funds viz the Mission in Britain Fund (£52.52), the World Mission Fund(£70.76), and Easter Offerings (£31.75).

Circuit Ministerial and Other Cover

Until Tuesday 1st September, the Rev John Butterfield will act as Superintendent of the Circuit and any matters requiring ministerial attention or administrative action / advice should be referred to him.

Visit of the President of Conference

The Rev Steve Wild will join in leading worship with our Chair of Synod in Scott Street, Perth, at 11 am on Sunday August 16th. In the afternoon there is to be a 'Picnic with the President' at Wallacestone Methodist Church, commencing at 3.30pm (arrival and meeting-time), with an Open Air Service at 4.30 pm followed by a picnic (bring your food / food to share).
There will be public worship in Marketgait as published on the Plan, but those who wish to do so are warmly invited to attend the Service in Perth, the Picnic in Wallacestone, or both!

Preaching Plan for September - November

This is now online and has been circulated by email, with some printed copies also available on the vestibule table. Please let David Easson know if you wish to receive a copy regularly, either online or in print.

Dewhurst Cotton Reels wanted!!

Beryl Cowling is making a request on behalf of Barbara Glasson to Methodist Women in Britain (MwiB) and all of us.
Barbara Glasson is a Methodist minister, now in Bradford, a city with a mix of ethnicities and religions where the interfaith Touchstone Project is expanding into premises once occupied by the Dewhurst family, famous for making thread and cotton reels.
As part of the fund-raising, Barbara and colleagues wish to amass as many old Dewhurst reels as they can (with thread or not) for (aiming for a whole set of D numbers if possible!). Please rummage through sewing baskets and other (un)likely places to see if you have any Dewhurst reels to donate. Please put them in the box on the vestibule table. Beryl will ensure they reach the project. Fuller details on leaflets on vestibule table or contact Beryl.

Dundee Open Doors Weekend

Copies of the brochure are now available, giving details of premises open during the weekend of September 19th and 20th - Marketgait is included therein. Our premises are to be open to the public between 10am & 2pm on the Saturday and between 12 noon (ie after worship) & 2pm on the Sunday, with displays by ourselves about “who we are what we do” and (hopefully) by our User Groups, with the serving of light refreshments.

Scottish Bible Society

Our support via the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in August for work in Uruguay. Our prayerful attention this week is drawn to

  • teenagers and those facing crisis in their lives in Lithuania, and their use of material;
  • the 50th anniversary of the Malagasy Bible Society, work throughout Madagascar and in the Comoros Islands;
  • completion of the Jahut and formal Malay Bibles, launch of the Iban Study Bible and Penan Old Testament in Malaysia;
  • the Good Samaritan Programme in Malawi;
  • launch of the first Bible for Boomu speakers in Mali and Burkina Faso.

Dundee Food Bank

Dundee Foodbank logo Please continue to place items in the large bucket on the upstairs landing; clean plastic bags are also welcome. Liz Kay is our link person for this.

Hot Chocolate

Please also remember the request for donations of Hot Chocolate Tubs for the Project in The Steeple Church.

Forthcoming events

Date & timeVenueDetails
Saturday 31st October 2015, 10am (registration & coffee) to 3.15pm (departure). City of Edinburgh Methodist Church, Nicolson Square “Ecumenical Opportunities for Mission”; arranged by the Church of Scotland Ecumenical Relations Committee and ACTS.
Speakers include
  • Mr Mervyn McCullagh, Executive Officer, Irish Council of Churches, - ecumenism in Ireland;
  • Dr Marcus Pound, Assistant Director, Centre for Catholic Studies, Durham University, describing a Durham case study on receptive ecumenism - a project about local churches.
The programme will also include time for reflection on local contexts and sharing of stories; a light buffet lunch will be provided.
To book or for further details, contact Ros Milne, tel: 0131 225 5722 ext: 2370.

Prayer Points for this week

  • the Vice-President of Conference's World Church visit to Peru, from tomorrow to Sunday August 16th;
  • change of church officer-holders at 1st September;
  • treasurers as the end of the Methodist financial year approaches (at 31st August);
  • residents, staff and projects in the Lancashire District (Methodist Homes);
  • Soluciones Practicas working with vulnerable families in Bolivia (Christian Aid);
  • flying in Madagascar (MAF);
  • governance and administration transfer to Palestinian Christians at the Helen Keller School (Embrace);
  • work in Bhutan and Nepal (The Leprosy Mission); Bible Society work in Uruguay;
  • we pray with and for the peoples of Canada and the USA (WCC);
  • we remember fellow Methodists in the Leicester (North) Circuit (Northampton District) and in Netherton (Strathclyde Circuit).