8 November 2015
Next Sunday 15 November 2015
- 11 am
- Worship including Holy Communion, conducted by
the Rev Nick Baker
- Communion Offering for
SSAFA (the Soldiers,
Sailors & Airmen Families Association)
We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell,
awaiting or undergoing treatment, anxious, or grieving for the loss of
loved ones.
We welcome all who have recently joined us for worship, especially those who have come to study or work in this area.
Singing the Faith
The order for Singing the Faith has now been compiled and placed. It is hoped to introduce the new Hymnbook at the start of Advent (Sunday 29th November.)
Rota reminder
Paddy will be grateful to hear from those to whom she has distributed rota availability forms, or from anyone wishing to join the door stewards, counting or coffee teams.
Elaine writes: “I would like to mention that, as of January 2016, Mr T Roberts has decided he is no longer able to commit to doing the arranging of the flowers every week at Marketgait and as I cannot take on this task, due to my work commitments, people on the flower rota will need to make their own arrangements, whether they would like to arrange their own flowers or have a florist to do this for them. I will still do the rota, so please contact me about dates.”
Note from Stewards: we suggest a further possibility, namely that others in the congregation might wish to offer to do arrangements from time to time on behalf of those on the rota who may feel unable or reluctant to adopt either of the above suggestions. If you would like to make such an offer or have someone else arrange your flowers, please get in touch with a Church Steward.
International Bible Reading Association
IBRA devotional and study material can be ordered through Heather. Please sign the paper on the vestibule table or contact Heather direct.
Pastoral Committee
At the recent meeting, the Committee;
- undertook the Annual Reading and discussion of the Membership and Contacts Lists;
- agreed figures for entry on the connexional Schedule: Membership at 1 Nov is 59 (+ 1);
- noted 2 transfers-in;
- again considered offers of “Home Communion”;
- agreed that a Service including (Re)Commissioning of Pastoral Visitors and Workers with Children be arranged during the March-May Plan;
- had conversation on pastoral care of Dundee Methodists and
making contact and follow-up for new arrivals.
The next meeting is on Wednesday 20th April 2016 in Marketgait at 12.15pm (including lunch).
Broughty Ferry Churches Group
At the meeting of Broughty Ferry Churches Group representatives this week, the following were considered:
- leaflet of Christmas activities by churches located in the Ferry, for placing in library, cafés, shops, …;
- distribution of Christmas Services leaflet at the “Switching on of The Lights” on Thursday 26th November;
- Advent Quiet Day in St Luke's & Queen Street, Saturday 28th November;
- Week of Prayer for Christian Unity worship and observation of Lent;
- initial thinking anent participation on an ecumenical basis in the Community Bible Experience (see SBS above) which St James' are to undertake in 2016.
Next meeting: Thursday January 28th 2016, in Our Lady of Good Counsel, at 2.15pm.
Meetings this week
Date & time | Venue | Details |
Wednesday 11th November 2015, 7pm
Dundee Methodist Church |
Circuit Meeting
Support other Organisations
Scottish Bible Society
Our support via the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in November
for work in Burkina Faso. Our prayerful attention this week is drawn to
- the Bible Society of Rwanda's Bible advocacy projects;
- United Bible Societies' Resource Mobilisation Group meeting in the Netherlands;
- use of Community Bible Experience in congregations throughout Scotland;
- launch of the Creole Bible in the Seychelles.
Copies of “Active and Alive”, the SBS magazine, are now here - see Jenny Easson for an ordered or spare copy.
Forthcoming events
Date & time | Venue | Details |
Thursday 19th November 2015, 6.30pm to 8pm
St George's Tron Church, 25 Bath Street, Glasgow G2 1HW |
>“Forming Missional Communities”:
an ecumenical presentation
and discussion led by Professor Elaine Heath. She is an ordained Elder
of the United Methodist Church, McCreless Professor of Evangelism
at SMU Perkins School
of Theology, and “a visionary leader and theologian, a mystic,
an instigator, and passionate believer
in the power of the Holy Spirit”.
Organised by the
Discipleship and Ministries Learning Network.
All are welcome - details from
Helen Wareing:
wareingh@methodistchurch.org.uk. |
Prayer Points for this week
- The Vice President's All We Can overseas visit;
- Connexional Allowances and Faith & Order Committees;
- Regional Probationers' Day, Thursday;
- work in the Birmingham District (Methodist Homes);
- Pontifical Mission Lebanon's work for refugees (Embrace);
- work in Burma and Thailand (The Leprosy Mission);
Core-CERD's continuing rebuilding work in the Philippines after Typhoon Haiayan (Christian Aid);
- Bible Society work in Burkina Faso;
- work in South Sudan (MAF);
- we pray with and for the peoples of Republic of Congo, Gabon, SÃo Tomé e PrÍncipe (WCC);
- we remember fellow Methodists in the
Mid Derbyshire Circuit (Nottingham and Derby District) and in
Portessie (North of Scotland Mission Circuit).