Clothes Bank needs

  • Urgently Wanted: CARRIER BAGS
  • We now have a rota of volunteers for ClothesBank sessions in September and the October rota is being prepared. If you would be willing to join the rota, please contact Margaret Goudie. Men are especially welcome, since we have more male than female customers.
  • There are regular uplifts of rags – any item of clothing or footwear can be contributed, the heavier the better. Money from the sale of rags enables the ClothesBank to buy underwear and socks for our clients.
  • Donations of men’s jeans for the ClothesBank will be especially welcome. We do not have space at present for many more women’s clothes, so please keep these at home, if possible, meantime.


Methodist – URC Joint Worship Sunday 1st October 2017

Joint URC/Methodist worship on Sunday 1st October will take place at Salem URC, with Rev Nick Baker leading, including Holy Communion according to the Methodist tradition.

Directions and advice on parking
Salem United Reformed Church is on Salem Street. This leads off the section of Constitution Road that is north of the inner ring road, and is the nearest street to the ring road on the eastern side; it is just below the Mace Store. The street is very narrow and a dead end, and although taxis can use it, it is not recommended.
There is on-street parking nearby, but most spaces are taken up on a Sunday morning by the congregation of St Mary Magdalene, whose service starts before 11 am.
Car drivers are advised to park on the south side of the ring road either in the multi-storey car park, or on-street. There is a subway access under the ring road.
The church itself is up several steps in its grounds.

Offerings at joint services
Members of the congregations are asked to contribute as usual when worship is on their own premises, and to refrain (or give a “token amount”) when elsewhere. Methodists worshipping at Salem should keep their offering envelopes for a subsequent week (the URC do not use an envelope system). All “loose cash” given at the offering is to be allocated to the “host church”.

The Communion Service will follow Methodist practice, with the Rev Nick Baker presiding and distribution by URC Elders. Both a Common Cup and individual cups will be used and the Communion wine will be non-alcoholic, as is also customary in Salem URC.

There will be no Communion Offering; an offering plate will be available in Marketgait the following Sunday for donations to the Fund for World Mission.

Dundee United Community Trust

The following notice has come to our attention and it has been suggested that inclusion in the church news-sheet might draw it to the attention of a wider audience:

“A reminder that we have free hospitality and mascot packages to give away to worthy causes in Dundee for every single Dundee United home league match this season (subject to availability and at the discretion of our trustees).

We are looking for worthy causes all the time and would ask that you please circulate this around your networks and/or make a nomination/request yourself. The donor is keen that we use the gifts to make a real impact on the local community and has given broad scope for usage. Some previous requests have included:

  • Families that have fallen on hard times
  • Other charities looking to raise funds and further/continue their work
  • Rewards for outstanding contributions to our local communities

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch to make an enquiry – 07824 776 063;;”

Joint URC-Methodist Services in Dundee

These are indicated on the Plan; they follow a pattern of “worship together” every other Sunday, with 5 held in Marketgait and 2 in the URC Salem Church (Salem Street off Constitution Road, above North Marketgait).

The next meeting of the Methodist-URC Group will be in Salem on Wednesday 8th November. Please pass any comments or suggestions to Nick Baker, Jenny Easson or Sue Marshall-Jennings to enable conversation which will include an assessment of experiences hitherto and any possible “next steps” in the process of getting to know each other and growing & working together.

Circuit Preaching Plan

The Plan for September-November has been circulated by email with some printed copies also available on the vestibule table. Please let David Easson know if you wish your name to be added to either list for regular distribution.

Methodist ClothesBank

Mondays 10am -12 noon (i/c Liz)
Thursdays 1pm – 3pm (i/c Sue)

  • new Volunteers please contact Sue or Liz
  • ‘Rag bag’ collection point: table at top of stairs – recycle and fund-raise!

Communion Offerings

It is a long-standing Methodist Communion practice to invite contributions in support of those less fortunate. In Dundee, contributions are now invited via a plate inside the upstairs door. These offerings are allocated each month, by Church Council decision, to different Methodist or other charities. There is no compulsion or pressure to support this Offering – it is matter of individual decision and choice.