The box for cards for church friends is in the vestibule; cards may be uplifted today and Christmas Day.
Upcoming events
The box for cards for church friends is in the vestibule; cards may be uplifted today and Christmas Day.
The latest edition of the newsletter of the Methodist Church in Scotland is now available. It includes items on Stationing, ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ and ‘Pause and Pray’ – a City of Edinburgh Methodist Church venture.
During this week further news has come from Julya about the recent tragic road accident in Bulgaria in which Svetla was seriously injured, her elder son killed, and her younger son injured.
A practical way of showing our concern for the family and shocked community is to help alleviate medical and other costs, and to do so quickly. It has therefore been agreed that today’s Communion Offering (normally in December for Action for Children Scotland) be replaced by a plate (on entry) for donations to assist Svetla and her family. If you wish to contribute but cannot do so today, please contact David Easson (Church Treasurer). It is hoped that a first amount from the Circuit will be sent during this coming week.
A card will be available next week to be signed and sent from Marketgait to our fellow Methodists in Sevlievo, as a sign of our solidarity with and support for them at this time.
An offering for Action for Children Scotland will be taken on Christmas Day.
Contributions are invited for the next edition, which will have the theme of A World Transformed by God’s Love.
Contributions, not exceeding 120 words or 12 lines, should be sent, with name & postal address, to, by Friday 12th January 2018. Photos fitting the theme may also be submitted. More details – essential if you intend to submit a contribution.
This year’s Advent Liturgy in Dundee was created at the Circuit Preachers’ Training Day and is offered as a gift from the Preachers to our churches and ecumenical partners.
At the Group’s meeting this week members discussed
The Group also invites support for forthcoming events:
At the recent meeting of representatives, it was accepted that the pattern of united worship on a weekly alternating basis should continue. The current phase of our relationship was described as being that of “ecumenical hospitality” as we continue to ‘get to know each other’.
The warmth of mutual welcome and fellowship was welcomed and acknowledgement made of points of difference between our traditions. At present, the most obvious difference lies in the more liturgical responsive format for Methodist Communion and, on occasion, elsewhere. It was agreed that this, and other differences, provide areas for further exploration to our mutual enrichment. In this context, it would be helpful to have comments and feedback from Methodists especially about the URC order for Communion. (The next Plan includes a URC Communion in Marketgait.)
In addition to the united services on Sunday mornings, there is a Nativity Service on Sunday December 17th at 6pm in Salem to which all are warmly invited and Salem friends are aware of the services in Marketgait on Christmas Day and 31st December when they have no URC service arranged.
Salem may provide an extra door steward for united services in Marketgait and Methodists likewise when at Salem.
Next meeting: Thurs 15th Feb, Marketgait, 10.30am
‘Fresh from the word’ 2018 costs £9.95 for the print edition, and £6.99 for the Kindle edition from Amazon. Please let Margaret know if you would like a print copy; she will attempt to source them without postage charges.