Safeguarding Refresher Training: Foundation Level

Foundation Level refresher training is mandatory for the following groups of people.

  • all ministers and deacons, except those not in active ministry
  • workers with children or young people
  • workers with vulnerable adults
  • pastoral visitors
  • church stewards
  • circuit stewards
  • local preachers, worship leaders and trainees for either of those roles

If you belong to one of these groups, and did not receive the training last year, you should make every effort  to attend now.

The sessions, however, are open to all, regardless of membership of these groups.

Please let Marcia Mackenzie know if you intend to attend one of these sessions.

Safeguarding Refresher Training: Cancelled!

This session has been cancelled. A more suitable date/time will be arranged.

Foundation Level refresher training is mandatory for the following groups of people.

  • all ministers and deacons, except those not in active ministry
  • workers with children or young people
  • workers with vulnerable adults
  • pastoral visitors
  • church stewards
  • circuit stewards
  • local preachers, worship leaders and trainees for either of those roles

If you belong to one of these groups, and did not receive the training last year, you should make every effort  to attend now.

The sessions, however, are open to all, regardless of membership of these groups.

Please let Marcia Mackenzie know if you intend to attend one of these sessions.

Solas Festival

Solas is an arts festival with a focus on justice. It has its roots in the Christian tradition and we Methodists have had a presence at the festival for a number of years, focused mainly on our tent which provides space for reflection, conversation and welcome.

This year is no different and if you would like to volunteer at the festival and receive a free day or weekend ticket in return, please contact Lorraine Darlow, to find out more.  A limited number of free day tickets for first-time festival goers are also available, as are a number of free tickets for young people and youth leaders.

To find out more about Solas, visit