The Council, comprising Managing Trustees with other church Members also participating, took place by Zoom on Thursday afternoon. We are asked to note the following:
(1) Acting on behalf of the “not-held” General Church Meeting, the present Church Stewards were continued in office.
(2) The Treasurer (David) repeated his wish to demit office when this becomes possible, but agreed to continue in the current circumstances (identification of a successor is still wished). He is working on a “job spec”.
(3) Following the resignation of the Finance & Property Convener (Keith), a successor is required; meantime, the Church Council will take necessary decisions and the current Finance & Property persons will maintain their usual contact and deal with any necessary matters.
- It was agreed that the lengthy list of requirements for the opening of premises for public worship contained conditions that might be difficult to implement in our premises, certainly in the foreseeable future.
- It is not envisaged that Methodist Churches in Scotland will re-open before September.
- Government advice encourages continuing provision of online or broadcast worship for those unable to attend church premises; we noted that online worship had become more familiar to many during lockdown.
- The Chair of District has decided to cease his online services after July. We need to let people know the options for online and broadcast worship in August.
- The Rev Nik Wooller, as acting Superintendent, proposes to provide an online Circuit Act of Worship on Sundays from 6th September.
Finance & Property – lengthy conversation took place on the state of our finances and of the premises; the pandemic has altered the picture in many respects and there remains considerable uncertainty in many aspects about future possibilities.
Pastoral – the Council remembered in prayer those who have died since its last meeting: May F, Arthur G and Arthur L. Funerals had takeng place under restriction, so church friends could not attend; some later commemoration may be appropriate, and Nik Wooller suggested the possibility of arranging a Circuit Service of Thanksgiving and Remembrance possibly round All Saints Day (1st November).
Next meetings – no fixed arrangement was made; the Church Stewards & Minister will convene the Council if / when necessary but no later than the second half of September.