Prepared by researchers at Coventry University, this guide is designed to be used by individuals.
Upcoming events
Prepared by researchers at Coventry University, this guide is designed to be used by individuals.
These are available to download
Eunice Attwood, Church at the Margins Officer of the Methodist Church, offered these Alternative Beatitudes at the recent Joint Public Issues Team Conference.
This year’s theme is ‘We saw his star in the East’. The week runs from 18 to 25 January 2022, and there is material for each day.
Download the booklet.
The Methodist Church is producing short reflections on video for Advent. See those posted to date. The Reflection for 5th December is by Rev Mark Slaney, chair of the Scottish District.
I had an idea to create something for the 40 days of lent (Mondays to Saturdays) and I have begun uploading 40 videos that last about 2 to 3 minutes only. They are simply a reading from the bible followed by a short prayer with music and video. If anyone in the district is interested in “journeying with us” in this simple, meditative way the link is as follows: Lent Meditations – YouTube
Rev Chris Jackson – Moray Coast
Conference has declared 2021 a Year of Prayer “so that our Church-wide commitments to evangelism, church growth, church at the margins, and pioneering and church planting will flow from a deep contemplative orientation to God’s grace and love.”
Provision has been made for a Weekly Online Prayer Meeting on Tuesdays at 12.45pm. These are streamed live on Facebook. If you wish to take part on Zoom, register, and you will be sent a link.
Suggestions and resources are also available through Districts, Circuits, and churches.
A prayer for Brexit day by the Revd Barbara Glasson, President of the Methodist Conference
However we feel about today
We mark this Brexit day
As people who grieve or celebrate together
One people
Loved equally, freely and unconditionally
By the one wise all-seeing God
Either way let us hold this day gently
Giving ourselves permission to leave
Without elation or despair
Determined to love our neighbour
Support the weak and welcome the stranger
Lord of all life
Let your servants depart in peace
And live according to your Holy Law.