District Prayer Diary

Sue Marshall-Jennings would be pleased to receive further prayers, especially relating to local situations and concerns, for inclusion in the Diary – in the next few daysplease.

District Prayer Diary

Sue is now preparing the new District Prayer Diary and would be very pleased
to have contributions  on the themes – from the District Development Proposals – of Biblical Engagement and Social Action.

In previous years we have offered prayers for people and situations within
particular Circuits and hope to be able to do this again. Everyone is invited to submit contributions, which should be sent to Sue by 17th August.


Why Methodism – what we discussed

A series of 3 meetings held in Lent 2018 considered our Methodist heritage.

In the first meeting, we heard about John Wesley, and the origins of the Methodist church. In the second meeting, we shared our own personal Methodist origins. Finally, we looked at the challenges of Our Calling as members of the Methodist Church and considered how we might live up to that calling.

Thy Kingdom Come

Waiting in Wonder

Thy Kingdom Come is a global prayer movement, which invites Christians around the world to pray between Ascension and Pentecost for more people to come to know Jesus Christ. What started out as an invitation from the Archbishops’ of Canterbury and York in 2016 to the Church of England has grown into an international and ecumenical call to prayer.

Resources for Prayer and Worship

The hope is that:

  • people will commit to pray with God’s world-wide family – as a church, individually or as a family;
  • churches will hold prayer events, such as 24-7 prayer, prayer stations and prayer walks, across the UK and in other parts of the world;
  • people will be empowered through prayer by the Holy Spirit, finding new confidence to be witnesses for Jesus Christ.

There are some specifically Methodist resources available.


Presidential Easter Message

The President of Conference, the Rev Loraine Mellor, and the Vice-President, Mrs Jill Baker, have issued their Easter Message focussing on the Resurrection.

Loraine and Jill have also asked for Methodists to pray for Kemerovo, – for those affected by the fire that engulfed a shopping and entertainment complex in the Siberian coal-mining city of Kemerovo, killing at least 64 people, the majority of whom were children.


Lent 5 liturgy

Lent 5: Reading – Psalm 126

A prayer of blessing

A blessing on you,
God the Father,
for the goodness of your creation.

A blessing on you,
God the Son,
for bringing us your salvation.

A blessing on you,
God the Holy Spirit,
for your ongoing revelation.

A blessing on God
now and for evermore.


(c) ROOTS for the Churches Ltd

Lent 4 liturgy

Psalm 32

A prayer for forgiveness

Great and mighty God, our creator and provider,
it is so easy for us to take your gifts,
your provision for us in your world,
and to misuse it,
for all the gifts that I have wasted this week,
forgive me.

For the love and care that you have given us,
for the times we have kept them locked within us
and not shared with others,
for all the love that I have wasted this week,
forgive me.

For the words that should bring comfort,
that should bring understanding,
but often bring hurt and discomfort,
for all the words that I have wasted this week,
forgive me.

Loving God, you wait for us
to follow your way of justice and reconciliation,
though it may be narrow and difficult,
for all the opportunities that I have wasted
this week, forgive me.

To all who truly repent you say:
‘Your sins are forgiven,
follow me.’
Thanks be to God. Amen.

(c) ROOTS for the Churches Ltd

Preparing for Jonah Bible month rescheduled!

Bible Month Learning Event
Perth Methodist Church
Saturday 12th May 2018
10.15 am to 3.30 pm

(Rescheduled from 2nd March 2018)

The Methodist Bible Month Initiative, provides churches and circuits with an opportunity to focus on Jonah for an entire month (June is suggested), with support  materials being made available via the Connexional website. The Bible Month Initiative is an important response to the challenge of developing biblical engagement and biblical literacy throughout the Connexion.

In preparation for the Bible month, Professor John Drane and Olive Fleming Drane will lead local preachers and worship leaders, small group leaders and anyone who would like an opportunity to enhance their biblical knowledge and understanding.

Lunch and refreshments will be provided; there is no charge for the event.  Perth’s premises were refurbished in 2017, and provide a warm welcoming environment for study and fellowship.

To book a place please contact Fiona at the Scotland District office, making her aware of any specific dietary requirements.