
During Caragh’s holiday, we are asked to remove chairs today and set out for next Sunday, please.

In Touch – District newsletter

The newsletter of the Methodist Church in Scotland – In Touch – contains articles form various writers, including, this time, Beryl Cowling.

After a period of print publication, it is now being sent by email from the District Office with local distribution to be arranged by churches. If you wish to receive a copy by email or a printed copy, please let the Eassons know. There is a paper to sign on the vestibule table to indicate your wish. Alternatively, read it now!

Worship Consultation

The next Dundee Worship Consultation will be on Wednesday 8th November at 1pm.
All interested are invited; feedback, comments on and material for worship can be given to Sue Commander.

Worship in Advent training day

Saturday 4th November, 10.30am to 4.30pm
Dundee Methodist Church

The Circuit Preachers are holding a training day to which they warmly invite all interested; it will consider and plan for the marking of Advent in and throughout the Circuit’s churches.
“This is open to Preachers, Church Stewards, members of Worship Consultation groups and anyone else interested. It is hoped that during the session, as well as exploring many aspects of Advent, a suitable Advent liturgy can be agreed for use throughout the circuit.”

The Gideons

The cafe service speaker is from the The Gideons

Gideons International is a Christian organisation founded in 1899 in Wisconsin, USA, with its headquarters in Nashville, Tennessee. It is registered as a charity in England & Wales, and in Scotland, with its registered office in Lutterworth.

Its primary activity is the free distribution of Bibles. This comprises a global enterprise in some 200 countries and members currently distribute over 8 million Scriptures annually.

The name comes from the Biblical character Gideon whose story can be found in the Old Testament book of Judges, chapter 6.

Circuit Meeting résumé

At the meeting in Perth on September 13th, members

  • shared “conversation on the work of God” by reflecting further on Synod discussions about connexionalism (what it means to be part of ‘wider Methodism’ and how far this is recognised and understood, especially in local congregations);
  • appointed the Circuit Leadership Team to act as the Circuit Invitation Committee, if required;
  • received the report of the Circuit Leadership Team, then shared news and updates on the work in local churches and communities;
  • received reports from the Circuit Treasurer, Circuit Preachers, Circuit Mission in Britain and MHA Treasurers;
  • noted the new Safeguarding training requirements to be undertaken throughout the Circuit in coming months;
  • agreed the next meeting in Dundee on Wednesday 14th March at 7pm.

Caribbean Hurricane Relief

The Methodist Church has issued an appeal for those affected by the Caribbean Hurricanes. Donations to support humanitarian aid and relief work by the region’s United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) can be made

  • online via Just Giving;
  • by cheque to “The Methodist Church World Mission Fund”, (annotated Caribbean Hurricane Relief) posted to The Fund Raising Manager, Methodist Church House, 25 Marylebone Road, London NW1 5JR
  • bank transfer to The World Mission Fund,
    Account number 70951706
    Sort code 40 0206
    marked “Caribbean Hurricane Appeal”