Flower Rota

If anyone wishes to offer to prepare the 2018 flower rota, please contact a Church Steward. Please also let us know if you wish your name added to next year’s rota.

MHA Christmas Friendship Appeal

We are invited to write an extra Christmas card to be distributed to an MHA resident or Live at Home Scheme member. Please

  • address to ‘Dear friend’;
  • add a seasonal greeting;
  • say who it’s from – your first name is fine;
  • say you are from Dundee Methodist Church.

Margaret is collecting them to send off; please have them in church by Sunday 26th November at the latest.


Worship in Salem URC Church next Sunday will commence at 10.45am to include the Act of Remembrance with two minutes’ silence at 11am.

The Service will also include the celebration of Holy Communion as is the URC’s usual Sunday practice. An invitation is given to all to partake of the bread and wine in Communion; the wine is non-alcoholic, offered in both a Common Cup and individual glasses.

As there will be no Communion Offering, the Church Council agreed that the sum allocated last year to Tayside Veterans, which was returned as unused, should be given to the Earl Haig Fund as this year’s November Communion Offering.

There will be a display of flowers for Remembrance on the Beechwood Table during this coming week leading to Remembrance Sunday. They are also in memory of members of the Robertson family, long-time and loyal Methodists in Dundee, gifted by Ann Buchan (née Robertson) in memory of her parents and brother.

All We Can: Appeal for Rohingya refugees

All We Can and the Methodist Church in Britain are calling for support for an urgent appeal for refugees displaced by the recent violence in Burma. Since late August, more than half a million people have fled from violence in Rakhine State to Bangladesh for safety.

All We Can has initially responded with essential food supplies for families, but much more help is needed.

Flower Rota

“I would like to thank everyone on the Flower rota for the support given to me over the years in the people providing the flowers for Sunday worship and the people arranging the flowers. I will no longer be doing the flower rota due to commitments outwith. I hope the support continues for the person who takes this task on.”


Warm thanks are extended on behalf of our whole church community to Elaine for her many years of contribution to the ministry of flowers, together with her late mother, Florence, and her father, Tom, both of whose faithful work we continue to remember. If anyone wishes to take this task on, please contact the Minister or Church Stewards.

Church Council résumé

On Wednesday the following decisions were taken:

  • reappointments of Church Treasurer (D Easson), Council Secretary (M Goudie), Pastoral Secretary (J Easson), the Independent Examiner (“auditor”) (F Thomas) and the appointment of the in-coming Finance & Property Convener (K Pearson);
  • in connection with the church development, opening of a property scheme in the Connexional property system, also appointment of Andrew Black Design as architect; an initial sum of £5k to be identified within the church accounts as a redevelopment fund;
  • as there will be no Communion Offering in November (Service in Salem URC), the sum of £50 will be forwarded to the Earl Haig Fund with no need for a (subsequent) retiring offering. This is the amount of the Communion Offering in November 2016 allocated to Tayforth Veterans, but returned to us because of difficulties within the organisation. The Council agreed that, given the work of Tayforth Veterans and the Earl Haig Fund both aim to offer support to former Service personnel, this amount could be treated as the 2017 Communion Offering for the Earl Haig Fund. Please contact the Church Treasurer with any comments or queries, and / or any further donations.
  • Public Worship will take place in Marketgait on Christmas Day at 10.30am.
  • Next meeting – Wednesday 7th February 2018, at 7pm.

Updates were received from the ClothesBank and the Link Club; discussion was held about Scottish Churches Housing Action, ‘MHA extra Christmas card’ (details to come), the return to be made to OSCR, process for decision-making by email, and Data Protection requirements.

“One Mission” Prayer Diary

This handbook to support our prayers for work in Scotland and beyond has been prepared by Sue Marshall-Jennings, with others; she is the District representative to the Connexional One Mission Group. The Diary has been circulated to Synod members but is intended for anyone wishing to use it. Please ask a member of Synod to forward it; printed copies could be provided by David Easson on request.