Worship on 26th May at St Paul’s Cathedral

Following on from the last church council Nick has had conversations with St Paul’s Episcopal Church.  One result of this is that we have all been invited to share in the service at St Paul’s on Sunday 26 May.  Nick has been invited to preach.  In addition to worshipping and sharing around the Lord’s table together, this is an opportunity to build our relationships with another church.

The service on Sunday 26th May will take place at St Pauls Cathedral at 10:30am and not at Marketgait

If the timing presents an issue for anybody because of transport please speak with a steward.  There are a number of steps to the front door of the church but once inside it is level (there is an electronic stair climber available – if it is to be used prior notice is helpful).

Signpost International Easter Greetings

We have received an Easter Message and Easter Rabbit Bookmark from Christian Paul Calero, whom we sponsor as a means of supporting development work in his village of West Habog Habog, in the Philippines.

See noticeboard downstairs for the Card and Bookmark.  David Easson is our contact with Signpost International.

Contributions in Lent and Easter

Thanks are expressed to all who have contributed to our observance of Lent and Easter, through contributions to worship, the Easter Breakfast, and porch displays.  The latter have drawn interest and attention from users, also not least from Link Club members who have monitored changes to the Lego display on a weekly basis!

Christian Aid Week 12th – 18th May 2019

This year’s focus is on “solidarity with mums in Sierra Leone” and especial awareness of the health issues in pregnancy and child-birth.  Events include the three Bridge Cross Challenges on the Erskine, Tay and Forth Road Bridges.  There is also a UK-wide campaign to host ‘A Big Brekkie’.

Taketime Training Day

Aberdeen Crown Terrace Methodist Church, from 10am to 3.30pm Tuesday 30thApril

At the heart of Taketime is the Ignatian idea of an imagined encounter with the Jesus of the Bible in which we are invited to step into an episode from the New Testament and imagine a conversation with Jesus.

Taketime meditations use your imagination to provide a calm, comfortable space in which to meet God. Anyone can use the meditations, regardless of background or religion, and in a variety of settings to suit each person or group. Although the meditations are each based on an episode from the Christian gospels, no religious knowledge or background is required.

This training day will provide opportunities to experience Taketime and learn how to facilitate others in groups for Taketime Together.

Registration and coffee/tea are available from 10am. Lunch will be provided; the event is free but please register via https://taketime.eventbrite.co.uk

For more information email Gary Williams williamsg@methodistchurch.org.uk or visit the Taketime website http://taketime.org.uk

District Administrator

Since the resignation of Fiona as Scotland District Administrator,  the Chair, Synod Secretary, and District Treasurer have been covering her duties.  Eileen Cox (who has previous experience of our District life and administration) will now take over this responsibility on a part-time basis, working flexible hours.

Eileen will visit the District Office in Dunblane on occasion but do not phone; please contact her by email. It is expected that this arrangement will continue until the end of 2019.

Retiral of Chair of Synod

The afternoon session of Synod in Perth on Saturday May 11th is the occasion for the District to express thanks, farewell and good wishes to the Rev Dr David P Easton as he prepares to “sit down” and become a Supernumerary  from itinerant Methodist ministry on 31st August.  Donations towards a presentation are invited, through the Church Treasurer, David Easson. All are warmly welcome to attend the afternoon Synod session.

Easter Breakfast

At one of the meetings discussing the life and direction of the church, it was agreed that we would meet regularly for a meal and fellowship.  We therefore plan to have a faith breakfast on Easter morning (ie next Sunday) at 9:30am. Please see Fiona Thomas who has a sign-up sheet.

All We Can Malawi Floods Appeal

Along with other agencies, All We Can is responding to the widespread destruction in Mozambique, Malawi and other parts of southern Africa.  All We Can is focusing its appeal on support for Malawi:

“Already over 125,000 people have been displaced from their homes and families are facing hunger as harvests have been destroyed.  There is need for rapid action as people suffer because of the lack of shelter, sanitation facilities, food, and medicine.  The number of people affected by the floods has reached 922,000 – this number is expected to rise as the real extent of the damage is revealed and as heavy rains continue to fall in Malawi.”

For more information, including video and ways to make online donations see www.allwecan.org.uk or send a cheque payable to ‘All We Can’ to All We Can, 25 Marylebone Road, London NW1 5JR, stating it is for the Malawi Floods Appeal.