Fairtrade Fortnight runs from 9 to 22 September 2024.
Join us in urging everyone to Be the Change, by picking up Fairtrade products and speaking up for fairer trade.
Fairtrade Fortnight runs from 9 to 22 September 2024.
Join us in urging everyone to Be the Change, by picking up Fairtrade products and speaking up for fairer trade.
Don’t miss Revd Helen Cameron, President of the Methodist Conference, Moderator of the Free Churches Group, and President of Churches Together in England, preaching to launch Disability Awareness Week, calling for justice, equality and access.
Watch the Disability Awareness Week launch service, available after 3pm on 15 September 2024 at https://valeofstour.org.uk/daw2024
More information about Disability Awareness Week.
I hope soon to arrange a date with Andrew Baker for a zoom ‘local meeting’ to talk about any matters relevant to our life and witness. This will also assist Andrew to get to know more about us and our situation. Please let me know of anything you wish to discuss – “worship in Local Arrangements’’ is on the list already!
When a teenager was murdered in the street, a nearby church decided to step-up its
community work. Caroline reveals what happened next in the connexion magazine.
You don’t need to attend church to subscribe to future issues of the magazine (it’s
Read online now or subscribe to future issues of the magazine.
In collaboration with the Methodist Church, All We Can have produced a resource to help churches explore and embody the 5 Practices of Justice from the Justice-Seeking Church report. This is not to encourage churches to start lots of new initiatives, but to help congregations ‘move the dial’ towards better ways of doing justice in what they are already doing. The sessions feature games, prayer activities, videos, and practical suggestions around the areas of Being With Not For, Humility in Community, Self-Awareness and the Use of Power, Transformation, and Prayer.
All We Can have produced downloadable Harvest Resources.
Are you looking for small group resources connecting the Christian faith and action for justice? Do you want to run sessions for your church or group this Autumn?
JPIT has different small group resources and materials available, with session plans, videos, blogs and activities. Take a look.
Worship in Dundee on Sunday August 25th will be a Local Arrangement. Please contact Liz, Lorna, Mary, or Jenny with any suggestions.
Are you interested in how worship leading and preaching might be offered and organised in a Single Circuit in Scotland? If so, please consider becoming part of a small team to look at how a single circuit might best provide guidance, support and development for all those involved in the leading of worship and preaching across Methodist and Methodist/ecumenical congregations in mainland Scotland. Hopefully, the team will be able to come up with a new way of working to be implemented from September 2025, including peopling the different roles (Circuit & District WLP secretary and tutor(s)).
Requirements: an interest in and commitment to worship – it is not necessary to be a worship leader or local preacher.
If you would like to be involved in this, please email the current WLP district secretaries, Anne and Carol lpwl@methodistchurchinscotland.net and/or the district tutor, Jill Baker ejillbaker@btinternet.com