View synod sessions

The recent meeting of the Scottish Synod included sessions on

  • a Pioneer project that has been running in Inverness for 10 years, providing a safe space in an area of social deprivation
  • the work of Rev Nik Wooller in connecting with those who are not in church
  • ‘God for all’ introduced by the Rev Trey Hall.

All these may be viewed on the District YouTube channel.

The first two were in session 2, and the last in session 3.

Traidcraft Christmas Cards

The Christmas cards for 2020 are now available at the Traidcraft Shop. If you wish to order cards, or anything else from Traidcraft, you can have goods at discounted prices by asking me to order them for you – I am a Fairtrader. There is a postage charge of £4.75 unless the order exceeds £50 at discounted rates. The order will be sent directly to your address.

If you wish to place an order this way, email including your name,  your order, your address and your phone number for any delivery queries. We will need to arrange a suitable method of payment.

You do not need to be associated with Dundee Methodist Church to take up this offer.


A Year of Prayer 2021, but now as well!

Conference has declared 2021 a Year of Prayer “so that our Church-wide commitments to evangelism, church growth, church at the margins, and pioneering and church planting will flow from a deep contemplative orientation to God’s grace and love.”

Provision has been made for a Weekly Online Prayer Meeting on Tuesdays at 12.45pm. These are streamed live on Facebook. If you wish to take part on Zoom, register, and you will be sent a link.

Suggestions and resources are also available through Districts, Circuits, and churches.

Broughty Ferry Churches Group update

BFCG held the regular September meeting on Tuesday by Zoom and received reports from the Treasurer, With Refugees Broughty Ferry, and Broughty Ferry Food Bank.  It was agreed that a donation of £500 be given from BFCG funds to Christian Aid as the Coffee Morning in May could not take place.  It was also agreed to invite speakers to the November meeting to help exploration of the feasibility of a “Community Fridge” in the Ferry – this is a way to recycle surplus fresh food and reduce food waste.

Reports from each congregation gave a general picture of gradual resumption of worship by most, following Risk Assessment procedures and, where appropriate, booking to try to control maximum numbers.  It was noted that for some regular attenders, a return to worship together physically, albeit ‘different’ & without socialising, was a welcome step, whilst for others, understandably, the need to exercise personal caution remained.  The resumption of previous activities and use of premises through outside bookings had not taken place.

Online Circuit worship coming

From September 2020, there will be online worship for the circuit, led by circuit preachers.

Preachers for September are

  • 6th Rev Nik Wooller
  • 13th Mrs Jenni Whittle
  • 20th Rev Gerald Bostock
  • 27th Rev Alan Anderson

More practical details later.

Plans for worship in September

The Circuit Leadership Team met on Thursday to consider worship in the circuit.

From Sunday 6th September, there will be a weekly pre-recorded Circuit Service available from 11am on YouTube. It is intended that, especially for those not able to access or wishing to use IT, there will be a full transcript of the Service, plus an audio CD, and maybe even a DVD. (Ideally, these will be ready in advance.)

ThePreachers’ Meeting this Thursday will discuss practicalities and implications, their availability and technical possibilities.

As it is hoped that there will be a range of participants (eg for Bible readings), volunteers will be welcome – please let Nik Wooller or Sue Marshall-Jennings know if you feel able to contribute in any way:
Contact details are Nik: 01250 870899;; Sue: 01334 854257;

There will be an initial trial for a month – it is hoped to make the Service as well produced as possible but no doubt learning to make it even better. Nik Wooller has offered to compile and edit the parts of the Service.

British Methodist Youth Choir

The British Methodist Youth Choir is now back up and running. Membership is open to those aged 14 – 27 (shortly to be increased to 30), and involves no auditions.

In the past, the choir has met on about 4 weekends a year at various locations within the Connexion, to rehearse, socialise and give a concert. Travelling expenses in excess of £10 have been reimbursed.

At the moment, with the coronavirus restrictions, we have no immediate plans to meet physically, but would do rehearsals virtually, in which we can play tracks, the different parts, and members can then practice and we can get to know each other.

When more restrictions are lifted and it is safe to do so, we will attend host churches for a weekend, to rehearse and then perform on the Saturday evening, taking part in worship on the Sunday morning also. At the moment we have four invitations for such weekends, none in Scotland so far though!

Although virtual rehearsals aren’t ideal, at the moment it is a good way of choirs getting together and singing, and seems to work well for fellowship, the social elements of choirs and being able to sing with others.


You can get a flavour of past activities on the choir’s social media sites.

For more information, or if you would like to join, contact