Community Fridge in Brought Ferry?

At the online meeting of the Broughty Ferry Churches Group this week, there was a presentation by the Administrator of the West End Community Fridge Project based at The Gate.  Community Fridge Projects seek, in cooperation with a range of agencies and groups, to address issues of ‘food waste’ working with supermarkets and other retail outlets.  Interest in the possibility of a Community Fridge in the Ferry has also been expressed at Community Council meetings.  BFCG is therefore seeking to facilitate a meeting of those interested in exploring this further, as partner groups working together.


Advent Bible Study

Advent bible study poster

Nik Wooller, Andrew Baker and Laurent Vernet (both Strathclyde) invite you to to travel with them through Advent 2020 along with others who live life with a Methodist flavour in Scotland. They say,
“It would be great to have people from across the districts [Scotland and Shetland] looking at this remarkable story together!”
There will be a presentation, using material from Paula Gooder’s book “Journey to the Manger”, and then discussion groups when we can share and learn together.

All sessions on Thursdays at 7pm

  • Genealogies – 26th November
  • Announcements – 3rd December
  • Arrivals – 10th December
  • Aftermaths – 17th December

To join, email, expressing interest: you will receive a Zoom link.

Andrew Baker; Nik Wooller; Laurent Vernet

Connecting Women of different Faiths, Beliefs and Cultures

Interfaith Scotland invites women of all backgrounds to talks and conversation on the theme of ‘Connecting’ to celebrate Scottish Interfaith Week 2020

Monday 9th November 2020 10 – 11.30 am

Our keynote speaker is Roz Adams, a certified trainer with the Centre for Nonviolent Communication. Roz is the Project Development Worker with Glasgow-based charity Bridging the Gap which brings people together from all faiths, backgrounds and cultures to share meaningful activity, explore difference and find common, human ground. Roz will be joined by two volunteers from Bridging the Gap, Katherine Longmuir, a Scottish Catholic, and Huda Jaber, a Sudanese Muslim, who will speak about their experiences of putting faith into action by connecting with others. We will then have time to connect with one another in conversation in small groups.

This event is open to women and those who identify as women.

To sign up to attend the event please fill in the Google form at this link:

If you have any additional support needs to assist you in attending this event please email Frances Hume at 

Weekly Methodist podcasts

Each week, the Methodist Church produces a podcast of Methodist news. See the list; there are opportunities to subscribe or listen to a podcast of your choosing.

The podcast for 15th October includes a report from Methodist Council, prisons week, Anthony Reddie and eating disorders.

Call for stewards

Stewards normally are responsible for making sure that worship arrangements are made; at present, these duties are in abeyance.  The stewards’ team is also responsible for the oversight of the wellbeing of the church, by which we mean the members and congregation.

In this time of uncertainty and change, we need to strengthen the stewards’ team to think creatively about the future, and be attentive to what we need to be doing now as a congregation.  We are looking for volunteers from among our membership.  Meetings are held by Zoom, so you don’t even need to leave the comfort of your home.  Appointments are for a year at a time.

Please pray and consider carefully whether you could offer your talents in this way.  If you would like more information, please contact any of the current stewards.  Email if you need relevant contact details.

Fresh from the Word 2021

In the past, I have sourced copies of these Bible reading notes and then distributed them in person.  This is not possible this year.  I am happy to order online, using the best deal I can find at the time, and ensure that the book is sent to your home address.  Or alternatively, I can point you in the right direction for ordering your own.  Email me.

Reset the debt campaign

reset the debt logoA campaign calling for debt cancellation for people who have been swept into unavoidable debt in recent months is launched today by a group of four denominations representing two-thirds of a million Christians and ecumenical charity, Church Action on Poverty.

The Baptist Union of Great Britain, Church Action on Poverty, The Church of Scotland, The Methodist Church and The United Reformed Church call for the Government to create a Jubilee Fund to provide grants to pay off and cancel unavoidable debt accrued by the poorest households during the lockdown period, giving them a more stable platform from which to face the difficult winter ahead.

Register for the free webinar on Thursday 15th October 2020 5.30pm to 6.30pm.

Read more about the campaign.


Supporting Refugees and Asylum Seekers

A Supporting Refugees and Asylum Seekers Gathering will take place via Zoom on Thursday 15 October between 11.00am and 12.30pm. It will be hosted by Ian Rutherford and David Hardman (Manchester and Stockport) and Bala Gnanapragasam (London).

Joining from Rome will be Fiona Kendall, the European and Legal Affairs Advisor with Mediterranean Hope. More information.

To join the Zoom meeting on 15 October please let Ian Rutherford know on and he will send you the Zoom link.