World Day of Prayer – Friday 4th March 2022

The material for this year’s Service has been provided by Christian women in England, Wales and Northern Ireland on the theme “I know the plans I have for you”.  For details of the online service via zoom on Friday from 2pm, access  There will be Services in Dundee in St Andrew’s Cathedral, Nethergate, and the Baptist Church, St Vincent Street, Broughty Ferry at 2.30pm, and in Dundee West Church, Perth Road at 7.30pm


A prayer for Ukraine

Rev Nicola Vidamour writes:

This video was created out of a desperate need to do something after hearing the news headlines on Saturday 12th February 2022. I served as a Methodist Mission Partner in Russia from 2003-2009. This video uses photos from my last visit to Ukraine (2018) and the vocalists and guitarist are members of the Annual Methodist Conference for Ukraine and Moldova.

Discover Church at the Margins

Discover Church at the Margins: A 90 mins online introductory session


When: 7-8.30pm on Tuesday 22nd March 2022

ForScotland & Shetland Learning Network region

Over the following ten months we are holding an introduction to Church at the Margins in each learning network region. Open to all.

Poverty across the UK is rising with a devastating impact on the lives of individuals and communities. How should we respond? What is God’s invitation to us? This webinar offers an  introduction to the vision and values of Church at the economic margins with stories from local practitioners in urban and rural contexts.

Hosted: by Eunice Attwood, Church at the Margins Officer and Sarah Hulme, Rural Officer.

REGISTER NOW Sign up here Meeting Registration – Zoom

Also, if you know of anyone working alongside people experiencing poverty in your area who would like to join the conversation to share their experiences please do let us know.

Encountering God

It’s not too late to join in with the new online programme: ‘Encountering God’

  • The course is an opportunity for anyone interested in becoming a Local Preacher or Worship Leader to begin training and is also offered as a ‘refresher’ for all Worship Leaders and Local Preachers.  Others with an interest in worship are also welcome.
  • The Zoom sessions (roughly monthly on Saturday mornings) will include small group times when Local Preachers and Worship Leaders meet separately to consider their roles as well as presentations and discussions led by a team of tutors from across Scotland and Shetland.
  • The first session took place on 15th January – this can now be watched on the Learning Network Scotland and Shetland YouTube channel, along with an introductory video to the whole programme (session 0).
  • The next session will be on Saturday 5th February 9:30-11am.  To receive the Zoom link, register for the programme here.

If you have any questions or comments, please get in touch with Jill Baker ( or Lorraine Darlow (

‘Faces of Kabul’ – online exhibition

Saturday January 22nd 2022
12 1pm

An online Photographic Exhibition of the ‘Faces of Kabul’.  The exhibition is the first online presentation of the photodocumentary exhibition produced by internationally acclaimed photojournalist and writer Nick Sidle.

More details.

If you would like to register for the event and receive the Zoom link to join, please contact: