YouTube worship every Sunday
The Circuit is now sharing a Superintendent Minister with the Strathclyde Circuit.
Online worship will be produced in alternate weeks by Angus, Dundee and Perthshire and by Strathclyde.
Worship from Angus, Dundee and Perthshire can be found on YouTube. The service is available from 9am on the Sunday. Please join us.
Strathclyde worship is also on YouTube. This is available from 7 am on Sunday.
Below are other resources for worship from home. Click on the header to open a section.
Do keep in touch, and let us know if you are in need.
Other worship from home
Sunday Mornings
- City of Edinburgh Methodist Church services are streamed on YouTube at 11am.
- Pollokshaws Methodist Church hosts live services for the Strathclyde Circuit on YouTube at 11 am on Sundays.
- Stirling Methodist Church offer worship every Sunday at 10.30am via Zoom and in person. The Zoom link can be found in the relevant newsletter.
- Shetland Methodist YouTube channel
- 5live@5 every Saturday at 5pm for 5 minutes - watch Rev Andrew Baker on You Tube -
The Connexional website has a variety of resources.
- A Word in Time Bible Study which follows the lectionary, with background information and links to the passage as well as points to ponder.
- Read the Prayer of the Day
- Taketime meditations are an ideal way to listen to and reflect on a bible passage, using your imagination to provide a calm, comfortable space in which to meet God.
- there are lots of podcasts available at The Methodist Podcast and Sermons from Methodist Central Hall
- Pray As You Go are producing a daily retreat for people socially isolating.
- Premier Christian Radio
- Songs of Praise
- YouTube for pre-recorded worship songs and events.
- Singing the Faith has service sheets for download as well as an opportunity to draft an act of worship for use by others too.
- Resourcing Local Arrangements gives scripted services on various themes.
- The Vine Local Arrangement Services will be available free to anyone until 31st May, with shortened home versions available each Wednesday.
- Forth Valley circuit is producing weekly service sheets, as well as other resources.
- Scottish Methodists Online is a gathering place for prayer, bible reflection, worship and more, for Methodists in Scotland.
- Download the Time to Pray app, a free resource from Church House.
- Sanctuary First is a pioneer ministry in Scotland developing new ways for people to connect with God, spirituality, and one another as an authentic caring worshipping community online. They offer creative ways of using the internet to wrestle with our faith - to learn, celebrate, and find solace.
You will find great resources for use with children and families at home at:
- Anchor a free, easy to use app for creating podcasts. Families could sign up, and children and young people could create a podcast around a Bible story/passage, or offer encouragement during difficult times
- Boys Brigade resources are being provided weekly
- Care for the Family and Care for the Family: Raising Faith book
- D6 Family
- Engage Worship are offering a daily prayer and worship activity for families
- FischyMusic Youtube Channel
- GodVenture has helpful hints about faith at home.
- Going for Growth simple downloadable Worship at Home liturgy (with suggestions for creative resources) from Mary Hawes, National C&Y Adviser for Church of England
- Illustrated Ministry are offering free, reflective resources including Colouring Sheets for when you feel anxious
- Messy Church are designing sessions for use at home
- Methodist Children, Youth & Family Ministry
- Mothers’ Union: Faith in the Family
- Roots on the Web have free resources available during the Covid19
- Scottish Bible Society including Bible 2020 with downloadable apps
on IOS: and Android:
- The Kitchen Table Project
- We Wonder podcast offers Bible readings & reflections designed for children, with children contributing thoughts and prayers, twice a week during Lent
- Worshiping with Children are providing worship outlines and reflections on the lectionary passages through their Facebook page