Pastoral letter from Andrew Baker – belated posting

Dear Friends, August 2024
Greetings to you. I know it is a bit of a strange arrangement: I am living in our
manse in Glasgow and being the Superintendent of two circuits, Strathclyde
and Angus, Dundee and Perthshire. It seemed like the right thing to do, so
let’s respond to God’s invitation and make something of it – by God’s grace. I
shall be spending three days every four weeks in the circuit, including worship
on a Sunday, the first one being on 8th September at Perth in the morning and
then at Arbroath at 3pm to share in celebrating a new chapter in the mission
and ministry of the circuit. We shall mark the work with the Dundee Women’s
Hub, where Marian will be leading the circuit’s ministry, and the witness at
Arbroath where Sue has a pioneering role as a local lay pastor. These are two
initiatives which have emerged in the life of the circuit.
We also have an eye on next year when the six Methodist circuits in Scotland
will become one. There is much to be done in preparation for this, but we
rejoice to claim our identity as Methodists in Scotland, being connected with
some remarkable ministry and mission which is taking place throughout this
nation. God has not given up on us! As a stimulus to this togetherness, I
urge you to make The Gathering at Stirling a priority on the weekend of
September 20-22. It begins on the Friday evening with events throughout the
weekend focused on the Golden Lion Hotel in the centre of the city. Why not
book somewhere to stay for the weekend or make arrangements to
“commute”? Our featured guests are the Methodist Presbyter/Astrophysicist
David Wilkinson and the Methodist Deacon/Church on the Margins Advocate
Eunice Attwood. Register by visiting the Eventbrite page, where there is also
a link to the programme for the weekend.
I am looking forward to connecting with as many of you as I can as we pay
attention to the grace of God at work in these challenging times. Our thoughts
this summer are still with the people trying to live in the towns of Ukraine’s
borders in the east and those in Palestine/Israel as well as the islands of the
South Caribbean as they begin to consider rebuilding after the devastating
effects of Hurricane Beryl. We are wondering what the consequences of the
general election will mean for local communities and families in the months to
come and pray for all those in leadership.
Jill and I are also aware that this time next year I shall be “sitting down” after
32 years since I left Keynsham as a student minister, but we intend to stay in
Scotland and be part of the adventure which lies ahead for the people in
Scotland called Methodists. I wonder what that will mean . .
Peace to you all, Andrew

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