Psalm 32
A prayer for forgiveness
Great and mighty God, our creator and provider,
it is so easy for us to take your gifts,
your provision for us in your world,
and to misuse it,
for all the gifts that I have wasted this week,
forgive me.
For the love and care that you have given us,
for the times we have kept them locked within us
and not shared with others,
for all the love that I have wasted this week,
forgive me.
For the words that should bring comfort,
that should bring understanding,
but often bring hurt and discomfort,
for all the words that I have wasted this week,
forgive me.
Loving God, you wait for us
to follow your way of justice and reconciliation,
though it may be narrow and difficult,
for all the opportunities that I have wasted
this week, forgive me.
To all who truly repent you say:
‘Your sins are forgiven,
follow me.’
Thanks be to God. Amen.
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