Psalm 27
A Prayer of Thanksgiving
God, our friend and our parent,
we give you thanks
that in your might and power
you gave birth to our universe
and this wonderful world,
with all its richness and beauty.
We give you thanks
that you made us in your image,
and that within us you placed
a yearning to seek out that which is beyond us
yet makes us whole beings –
your wonderful, transforming presence
in our lives.
We give you thanks
that through the passage of time,
through prophet, priest, ordinary people
and the whole of creation,
you have reached out to us and all humanity,
that we might know you more.
We give you thanks
for the ultimate revelation of you,
O gracious God,
in the coming of your Son Jesus to this our world,
and for his death on the cross –
that ultimate picture of how much you love us.
For all this we give you thanks. Amen.
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