Tartan – A Global Story

Join us at V&A Dundee for a truly international exploration of this seemingly Scottish textile. Discover Tartan’s historic connections with migration, diaspora, ethnicity and colonialism, as well as how designers around the world are using tartan today.

This is a free event, but places are limited, so please book if interested.

To book a free place, please email communities@vandadundee.org or call 01382 411588.

Planning Ahead, covering Wills and Power of Attorney

Did you know that almost 60% of UK adults have not written a Will?  Have you always intended to make a Will but not quite got around to it?  Have you often thought ‘there’s no need for me to make a Will’?

Have you always thought that Power of Attorney is something you need if you’re unwell or dying? Do you know who you would choose to make important decisions for you if you were unable to make them yourself? Do you understand the difference between Financial and Welfare Power of Attorney?

In this information session, Lorna from Thorntons Law, will share information on all matters relating to Wills and Power of Attorney and will be able to answer any questions attendees may have at the end of the information giving.

The session, which is open to anyone in the Dundee area, will involve an informal and relaxed chat, a chance to connect with others and to be part of an important conversation about death, dying, loss and care.

Background Information

Say Something Dundee is a partnership project between Funeral Link, DVVA, University of Dundee, Marie Curie and Just Bee Productions. We were awarded support from Good Life, Good Death, Good Grief to come together as part of The Truacanta Project looking to create compassionate communities.

Our aim is to make conversations around death, dying, loss and care easier to initiate through campaigns, workshops and discussions.

By choosing to be open about death, dying, loss and care we are all part of a movement that’s changing the conversation and ensuring that no one is made to feel isolated or alone for having a struggle with pain, bereavement, grief and loss.

Please help us spread the word and share with family friends, colleagues or any networks.

For more information check out our Facebook page @SaySomethingDundee or email us SaySomethingDundee@gmail.com

Places can be booked through Eventbrite; https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/say-something-dundee-33859191775 if you have any problems get in touch.