All welcome.
Upcoming events
All welcome.
All are warmly invited.
All are welcome.
Christian Aid writes:
“Together we’ll learn more about how Christian Aid works with partners around the world, with time to ask questions. The Gathering serves as an opportunity to hear directly from Christian Aid Partners working with survivor communities in Ukraine.
We’re also delighted to include exciting previews of Christian Aid Week 2024, campaigning and community fundraising updates, and showcasing a new video format to our opening reflection. You can RSVP on our website here, to receive the Zoom link nearer the time.”
No in-person worship, contrary to previous indications.
Join Christian Aid and The Friends of St Andrews Jerusalem and Tiberias on the 27th of November to hear from Sarit Michaeli, International Advocacy Lead for B’Tselem (the Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territory). Sarit will be speaking about the vital work of B’Tselem as it strives for a future in which Human Rights, liberty and equality are guaranteed to all people in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory.
Attendees can either attend in person or online ( If you are interested in attending in person, it would be helpful for catering purposes if you could let us know. Please e-mail
Circuit online worship
Circuit online worship
Circuit online worship