Join the BRF Ministries Messy Church team for a day of encouragement and inspiration! This event is intended for both those interested in finding out more about Messy Church as well as established Messy Church teams and leaders. In the morning there are two workshops to choose from depending on your experience. We’ll then be joined for some musical worship with our friends and special guests from Fischy Music. After lunch, we’ll get hands on outdoors with Messy Church Goes Wild and we’ll finish with a time of celebration together.
Cost £20.00
More information and booking. Booking closes 5 June 24
Reuben Addis is a Church of Scotland Ordained Local Minister and helps support Messy Church in Scotland. If anyone wants to talk through whether the training is for them (or has any general questions on Messy Church), they can contact him at or 07867 915 022.