Encountering God in Daily Life

This online programme makes a comeback with three new sessions during the autumn offering an opportunity to learn together about the worship we offer.  Each session includes presentations and conversations facilitated by a team from across Scotland and Shetland who are all involved in the training of worship leaders and local preachers.   Sessions are open to anyone and aim to provide continuing development for established local preachers and worship leaders, support to those in training for these roles and stimulus and reflection for anyone interested in the subjects.

 This course is entitled ‘Encountering God in Daily Life’.  The introductory half-hour video is now available on the Scotland and Shetland Learning Network Channel and should be viewed before the first session which takes place on Zoom on Saturday 24th September from 9:30am to 11am.  Please register for the sessions at this page on Eventbrite or email Lorraine Darlow or district tutor, Jill Baker.    

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