Points to note
- Continuing process towards District-wide Scotland Circuit: need for a new Circuit Leadership Team, ideally representative of all areas (if interested, contact Andrew Baker).
- Preachers to be consulted in coming weeks about what / where they could exercise their ministry; current Angus Dundee and Perthshire Preachers’ strong sense of togetherness, mutual support and knowledge of local congregations, hopefully not to be lost in future; changes may not appear great locally with main adjustment to government and administration.
- The Rev Adam Stevenson (currently Forth Valley Superintendent) to act as Circuit Superintendent; the Rev David Bidnell (subject to Conference) to serve in this part of Scotland, living with wife Fiona in new smaller Manse ‘in Dundee’.
- Current Dundee members of the East of Scotland Church Council to continue (General Church Meeting 1st June).
- Worship & Fellowship:
- preference expressed on behalf of all the children for ‘rhythmic music’, eg another Local Arrangements with musical instruments!
- The Local Arrangement pattern on Plan to continue; David suggestion of possibility (in summer) of using Church of Scotland Murroes premises; coordination of transport etc possibly needed.
- Lent – zoom studies to be offered by Andrew.
- Easter – warm welcome for 9 am Communion, followed by breakfast and further Easter celebration at 11 am.
- Possibility of café services (as pre-covid on 5th Sunday) mooted, noting recent worship “round tables” (eg Christingle).
- Monthly fellowship to continue at 7 pm on first Saturday of month.
- Dundee figure for inclusion in East of Scotland on Connexional Schedule of Membership at 1.11.24 = 24.
- Outreach:
- monetary support for St Luke’s “to end of winter”(ie Easter);
- Women’s Hub – Andrew to enquire about monetary donation for “Hear for You”; Marian Taylor may participate in Local Arrangements? the Hub to figure in prayers.
- Next Gathering: timing, format – ? April / around Easter (ahead of GCM etc)