Next rag bag uplift

The next uplift of rags will be on 20th September. Please look out any unwanted clothes or shoes, condition immaterial. Good items will be used in the clothesbank, childrens’ items and household linen will passed on to partner projects, and rags will be sold – the heavier, the better.

Methodist Prayer Handbook: 2017-18

Pam Bostock will send in a bulk order for this Handbook on behalf of all the Circuit’s churches; please sign the list on the vestibule table if you wish to order a copy, or contact Jenny Easson. The cost for an ordinary print copy is £3.50 and for a large print copy £3.95 – the bulk order will be “post-free” and arrive in August.

Ministerial Cover in July

For Circuit matters please contact Keith Pearson in the first instance; for pastoral or wider issues, the Rev Dr David P Easton will be available.

Safeguarding Training

Further training is now required for “all those who participated in the initial Safeguarding training 5 or more years ago”.

Sessions have been arranged as follows; all last from 2-4pm:

Tuesday 13 June Dundee
Tuesday 4 July Arbroath
Tuesday 8 August Perth
Thursday 24 August Perth
Tuesday 5 September Dundee
Thursday 21 September Dundee

Please advise Marcia or Nick Baker if you plan to attend in Dundee on Tuesday 13th June and Marcia Mackenzie for any other dates. If you should be receiving this training, and none of these dates is suitable, please advise a Church Steward and/or contact Marcia Mackenzie; it is possible that an evening session can be arranged.

All are welcome – Safeguarding is the responsibility of each and every one of us.

Tea and coffee will be available on 13th June from 1.30pm.

The work of God around the Circuit

Dear friends

As we celebrate Pentecost, the sharing of the Spirit among God’s people, we can be encouraged by glimpses of the work of God around the circuit.

In Montrose, from 2nd July the Methodists are going to start sharing weekly worship with Knox United Free Church. This marks a new stage in the journey of Montrose Methodist Church. The two churches will remain distinct but share in Sunday worship and other activities. The leading of worship will be alternate Methodist and United Free (arrangements are being made to ensure Local Preachers have a copy of the BBC Songs of Praise hymn book which will be used). This is an exciting time after a good couple of years in the Dance Centre and is a response to prayer, seeking God’s guidance and invitation.

In Arbroath, St Johns are on the brink of beginning a clothing project (similar to that of Dundee) working in conjunction with Angus Council. In Dundee the clothing project has completed 6 months and has helped 85 people directly and a number of others indirectly. The main reason for people seeking help is homelessness. Such experience should prompt us to ask questions of all who are candidates in the coming General Election – please make sure you vote on Thursday 8 June.

The circuit has now taken possession of the new manse in Blairgowrie. Some work will need to be done in readiness for Nik Wooller and family arriving in August. Nik will begin her new half-time role with us on 1st September and will have pastoral oversight of the church in Blairgowrie/Rattray. She will share oversight with myself of the church in Perth and we will both work across the circuit. The welcome service for Nik will take place on Sunday 27 August 3:00pm at Perth by which time the ceiling will be up and the floor down! A service of rededication for the church will be held on the morning of 17 September.

Thank you all for your willingness to be open and allowing the Spirit to challenge us. The Local Preachers were reminded of the need for us to be flexible and open when we spent a good day with Bob Bartindale (the Connexional Ministry Development Officer for Worship and Local Preachers – and no he wasn’t keen on his title either!). As Methodists we are all strongly encouraged to engage with further learning to help us think about our experience of God in the contemporary world.

A good opportunity to explore faith is at the Solas festival 23rd-25th June near Perth. I shall be leading worship there on the Sunday morning. The day I attended last year was great – I heard local MSPs thinking about society and faith, I shared in a workshop led by the Corrymeela community leader, made shelters with refugees and just had fun. In July I shall visit Bulgaria and look forward to preaching at Sevlievo Methodist Church and discovering a bit more about the work Julya Walsh is involved with.

I encourage you all to pray for the mission and work of all the churches in the circuit and for Nik Wooller as she prepares to move. May we grow together in God’s love as we seek to serve our communities.

With love, Nick