Upcoming events
Category: Plan
Preaching Plans
The preaching plan for December 2019 to February 2020 has now been finalised. Copies have been distributed by email and some hard copies are on the vestibule table. Please sign the list or let David Easson know if you wish to receive a copy each Quarter either on-line or in print. Thanks.
Preaching Plan December 2019 to February 2020
Revised preaching plan September to November 2019
This revised plan substitutes Rev Alan Anderson for Mrs Beryl Cowling for 27th October in Dundee.

Version for printing
Preaching Plan September to November 2019
Preaching Plan June – August 2019
Circuit Preaching Plan March to May 2019
The Plan has been distributed by email and some printed copies are on the vestibule table. Please contact David Easson to have your name added to the list of regular recipients of either format.
Preaching Plan March to May 2019
Preaching Plan for December – February 2019
This being distributed by email, with some print copies on the vestibule table. Please let David Easson know if you do not yet receive the Plan, but wish to do so on a regular basis, in either format.
Preaching plan Dec 18 – Feb 19
Preaching Plans
The preaching plan for December 2019 to February 2020 has now been finalised. Copies have been distributed by email and some hard copies are on the vestibule table. Please sign the list or let David Easson know if you wish to receive a copy each Quarter either on-line or in print. Thanks.
Preaching Plan December 2019 to February 2020
Revised preaching plan September to November 2019
This revised plan substitutes Rev Alan Anderson for Mrs Beryl Cowling for 27th October in Dundee.
Version for printing
Preaching Plan September to November 2019
Preaching Plan June – August 2019
Circuit Preaching Plan March to May 2019
The Plan has been distributed by email and some printed copies are on the vestibule table. Please contact David Easson to have your name added to the list of regular recipients of either format.
Preaching Plan March to May 2019
Preaching Plan for December – February 2019
This being distributed by email, with some print copies on the vestibule table. Please let David Easson know if you do not yet receive the Plan, but wish to do so on a regular basis, in either format.