Safeguarding Refresher Training: Foundation Level

Foundation Level refresher training is mandatory for the following groups of people.

  • all ministers and deacons, except those not in active ministry
  • workers with children or young people
  • workers with vulnerable adults
  • pastoral visitors
  • church stewards
  • circuit stewards
  • local preachers, worship leaders and trainees for either of those roles

If you belong to one of these groups, and did not receive the training last year, you should make every effort  to attend now.

The sessions, however, are open to all, regardless of membership of these groups.

Sessions will be held as follows

Marketgait               Tuesday 5th June 2.30pm to 4.30pm

St John’s Arbroath          Thursday 7th June 2pm to 4pm

SCYD, Blairgowrie             Friday 15th June 1pm to 3pm

Scott Street, Perth         Tuesday 26th June 1pm to 3pm.

Please let Marcia Mackenzie know if you intend to attend one of these sessions.

Progress in our redevelopment

Sue reports that we have now had a visit from the Structural Engineer and detailed plans have been drawn up.  These have now gone to the Quantity Surveyor and we are waiting to hear back on rough costings which will enable us to start our fundraising in earnest!

All We Can’s work in Malawi

Malawi is one of the most impoverished countries in the world. While making progress, having held five peaceful presidential elections since 1993 and achieved steady growth in GDP, around 50% of the population still live below the international poverty line. There are many problems in Malawi that have contributed to such a high poverty rate: an over-reliance on subsistence farming, steady population growth, and the impact of the HIV/Aids crisis.

All We Can is working in the southern-most regions of Malawi with local organisations committed to seeing long-term and transformative change in the communities they work in.

All We Can works currently with 4 partners

  • Churches Action in Relief and Development
  • Adolescent Girls Literacy+
  • Eagles Relief and Development Programme
  • Foundation for Civic Education

Read more about these partners.

Christian Aid Week

Christian Aid Week 2018 runs from 13 to 19 May, and focuses on long term work in Haiti after earthquake and hurricane, building disaster-proof homes.

Donate using an envelope delivered to your house or picked up from church. You may hand in your filled envelope to church; the money will be sent on to Christian Aid. Or donate online.

Scottish Churches Housing Action

The speaker at next week’s café service, Alastair Cameron, is the recently retired Chief Executive of Scottish Churches Housing Action.

Scottish Churches Housing Action believes in  NO ROOM FOR HOMELESSNESS!

This means a Scotland in which all people can live in homes which:

  • they can afford
  • offer privacy, security, comfort and dignity
  • offer support appropriate to the needs of the different stages of their lives
  • are located in communities that meet their economic, social, spiritual and recreational needs

Humanitarian Aid for the Democratic Republic of Congo

Christian Aid is responding to urgent humanitarian need in the Kasai Districtof the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) with funding from the Scottish Government’s new Humanitarian Emergency Fund.

Christian Aid has worked in the Democratic Republic of Congo since the 1970s. But months of escalating violence in Kasai District is threatening families who had become healthier and more resilient.

Our partner, HelpAge, will be providing shelter kits and essential non-food items to reduce the risk of disease for internally displaced people and host families. Women and children are particularly vulnerable.

Christian Aid’s Head of Humanitarian Policy and Practice, Michael Mosselmans said, ‘Sadly, the enormous humanitarian needs in the Democratic Republic of Congo have not received the media and political attention from the international community that they so clearly deserve. Christian Aid therefore commends the release of much-needed funding for the emergency in the DRC from the Scottish Government.’

Dr Alasdair Allan MSP, the Scottish Government’s Minister for International Development and Europe said, ‘For decades, the DRC has struggled with one of the world’s most relentless emergencies. Escalating conflict within the country has resulted in 4.3 million people displaced from their homes, 9.9 million considered food insecure and 2 million malnourished children.

‘We want Scotland to be a good global citizen and our Humanitarian Emergency Fund aims to provide emergency life-saving aid to those in most need.’

Easter Greetings from the Philippines

A card and greetings have been sent to us by Christian Paul N Calero (aka ‘Toto’), whom we sponsor though Signpost International.  The message he has written reads

“May you find the renewal of hope, health and love and the spirit of God.  Happy Easter to you and lovly (sic) family.”

Through our sponsorship, Signpost Intentional is helped to support projects to benefit the whole community of West Habog Habog where Toto and his family live.

Easter Offering Appeal

Envelopes are available for support of the world-wide work of the Church.  This year’s focus, on the theme Seek Peace and Pursue It” (Psalm 34, v14) is on situations in Sri Lanka, Japan, and Israel-Palestine.

Envelopes may be returned via the offerings plate today or in coming weeks.

The Easter Offerings Appeal’s origins date back some 135 years to the tradition of particular support for Methodist Women Missionaries; money donated now goes to the World Mission Fund which in 2017 received £340,641 from the Easter Offering Appeal.  The Appeal and associated Service is offered as a gift from Methodist Women in Britain (MWIB) to the whole Church.

More information & stories.

Traidcraft Exchange supported by UK Government

Traidcraft Exchange is Traidcraft’s partner development charity. It works with partners in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, running programmes to support people working in different supply chains. When people in low-income countries receive training in proven business skills – to add to their natural will to succeed – they can turn a profit from the work they do, and use it to feed their families and educate their children.

They can build a better future for their families and their communities – for generations to come. That’s what Traidcraft Exchange is all about.

Until 11th April 2018, all donations made to Traidcraft Exchange will be matched by the UK government, so your donation is doubled.