Donations for the food bank are gratefully received. Please put them in the container at the top of the stairs; Liz takes them along to the food bank.
Donations for the food bank are gratefully received. Please put them in the container at the top of the stairs; Liz takes them along to the food bank.
There are some envelopes on the vestibule table for those who wish to donate to the work of Christian Aid and do not receive one by other means. Anyone unable to return an envelope can hand it to Margaret for forwarding to Christian Aid.
We have received an Easter Message and Easter Rabbit Bookmark from Christian Paul Calero, whom we sponsor as a means of supporting development work in his village of West Habog Habog, in the Philippines.
See noticeboard downstairs for the Card and Bookmark. David Easson is our contact with Signpost International.
Envelopes are still available for donations to this annual Methodist Appeal in support of the work of the church world-wide. They may be returned via the offering plate in coming weeks or handed direct to the Church Treasurer, David Easson. The theme chosen by Methodist Women in Britain for this year, has been “Longer Tables, Lower Fences”, focussing on the sharing of hospitality and removal or reduction of barriers.
This year’s focus is on “solidarity with mums in Sierra Leone” and especial awareness of the health issues in pregnancy and child-birth. Events include the three Bridge Cross Challenges on the Erskine, Tay and Forth Road Bridges. There is also a UK-wide campaign to host ‘A Big Brekkie’.
Dundee Food Bank again expresses its gratitude for our continuing contributions to its work to provide 3-day emergency food parcels and support for individuals, couples and families experiencing hardship throughout the city and the surrounding area.
In 2018, assistance was provided to over 9,500 people through non-perishable food gifts; the current weekly total of persons supported is 180.
We thank Liz Kay who takes donations to the Foodbank on our behalf. Donations of food may be made via the container under the vestibule lectern.
Along with other agencies, All We Can is responding to the widespread destruction in Mozambique, Malawi and other parts of southern Africa. All We Can is focusing its appeal on support for Malawi:
“Already over 125,000 people have been displaced from their homes and families are facing hunger as harvests have been destroyed. There is need for rapid action as people suffer because of the lack of shelter, sanitation facilities, food, and medicine. The number of people affected by the floods has reached 922,000 – this number is expected to rise as the real extent of the damage is revealed and as heavy rains continue to fall in Malawi.”
For more information, including video and ways to make online donations see or send a cheque payable to ‘All We Can’ to All We Can, 25 Marylebone Road, London NW1 5JR, stating it is for the Malawi Floods Appeal.
Last Saturday’s event took in £61, which is reckoned, for the amount of material, etc taken, to be twice the rate of sending it to Nathan’s Waste Saver (“the Ragbag”). However another £55, which includes payment for some of Saturday’s items, has been promised. There was however still a vast quantity left and on Monday 461kg was picked up by Nathan’s, which is likely to bring in c £184. Thanks to all who took part and helped – and bought!
All We Can, the Methodist development charity, celebrates its work with women. Read about educational and economic empowerment.
“I am currently on the ferry home from Hoy! ……, I am home this weekend in time for Church.
Starting on Monday, Martin and I are starting a fundraiser for the hospital I worked at in Malawi last year. It’s a 6-week “10k a day” cycle! All the money we raise will go to the hospital, which is a charitable Presbyterian Mission hospital.
…. We have an online sponsorship page, and I will bring a sponsorship form to Church.
Best wishes and looking forward to seeing you on Sunday!”