
In addition to offerings for the work of the Methodist Church, from 15th December, there will be a second plate for donations towards community outreach by St Luke’s Episcopal Church, Downfield. Their Food Bank is now closed, following withdrawal of external funding; however, it has been agreed that Dundee Methodists be invited to support the continuing Clothes Bank and associated café, especially given its provision of “a warm cosy space in winter”.

Criminally Exploited Children

In March, Action for Children published the findings of the Jay Review of Criminally Exploited Children, an extensive UK-wide review of exploitation, led by Alexis Jay CBE. Here is our first follow-up report to the Review, I don’t want to go down that road’.

This report examines the shocking extent of the harms caused to exploited children across the country and the response of local agencies.

We make three recommendations for immediate change at a government level to ensure criminally exploited young people are effectively safeguarded and supported:

  1. Investment in targeted exploitation prevention and support services for exploited young people.
  2. Exploitation recognised as a distinct form of child abuse.
  3. A welfare-first approach in the management of offences committed by exploited children.

The report was featured in Channel 4 news on Thursday, 31 October. You can watch the feature here.

Let’s End Poverty

As part of the Church’s commitment to Justice and Equality the Methodist Church are leading on the campaign ‘Let’s End Poverty’

Let’s End Poverty is a diverse, growing movement of people united behind a vision for a UK where poverty can’t keep anyone down.

At a recent zoom gathering a range of people from across the country discussed ways to promote the campaign.

The recently published Joseph Rowntree report on poverty makes stark reading for many in our communities living with austerity due to the decision made by our elected politicians.   We are in a year of a General Election and as part of the campaign people are being asked to contact our MP to raise and address poverty in political debate and future policy making to ensure we elect politicians who have a commitment to ending poverty.

Sign up through the web site and by using the available resources, taking action and raising our voices we can join forces to end poverty.

All We Can in partnership

All We Can is doing development differently!

Hear how they are working with Eagles in Malawi.

Meet our Malawi partners, Eagles, and discover how together, we’re doing development differently.


Jimmy Likagwa, Church Mobilisation Coordinator, Eagles.

Jimmy Likagwa, Church Mobilisation Coordinator, Eagles.


Putting communities in the driving seat in Malawi

At All We Can, we are changing the rhetoric. We believe in the power of partnership – it’s in our DNA. We understand that overcoming the challenges of poverty, crises and social injustice is complex and can only be achieved by working with local organisations, like Eagles, rooted within local communities.

Local organisations like Eagles know the communities, they know the landscape and are able to make real change at a grassroots level.

This March, we’re giving you the chance to meet our Malawi partners, Eagles, and discover their work directly!


Community-led initiatives

The Eagles’ church mobilisation process is a sustainable approach as it increases the likelihood of lasting impact.

Working with local structures of churches and communities, it empowers women and men in the community to use existing assets and skills and builds their capacity, creating a mind-set change away from dependency towards a sense of collective responsibility and collective confidence.


Members of the Madalitso choir (meaning blessings), in William village.

Members of the Madalitso choir (meaning blessings), in William village.


Getting to know the community

Church and Community Transformation (CCT) equips local churches to break mindsets of dependency and work with their community to achieve holistic change, especially for the most vulnerable.

Communities are equipped to identify their own problems, discover the abundance of their own resources, find solutions and act together, taking responsibility for their own development. Church and community mobilisation as an approach has been found to be 26 times more cost-effective than traditional development and 4 times more sustainable.

It works by utilising lasting local structures in the community like churches, empowers local people to radically transform their livelihoods and involves advocating to the government for larger-scale change.


Meet The Eagles

This March, we’re offering our supporters the chance to meet the Eagles team directly:

  • Learn about the community
  • Discover our partnership approach in action
  • Be inspired with stories of hope


Come and join us on Thursday 2 March to learn more about their incredible work and be part of the transformation.


Safeguarding Training – what is your status?

It is important that everyone’s Safeguarding status has not expired and is as up-dated as possible. Why?

  • most importantly, taking the well-being of others, especially vulnerable persons, with the utmost seriousness
  • with that, recognition of our own tendencies to pre-judge and make assumptions
  • the overall position of the Methodist Church – connexionally and locally – if (when) issues do arise
  • our qualification to hold office, exercise responsibility, & undertake tasks within the Church.

For most of us, this means undertaking updated Foundation Training; for some, advanced modules also.

If you are not clear about your current ‘status’ (level of training last undertaken & when), please check with Sue M-J.

There are still plenty places available on the Foundation training taking place online on Saturday 20th August from 10 am-1 pm.  Anyone required to complete or refresh with the Foundation Module should  sign up here

If online training is not possible or useful for you, please contact Sue M-J so other methods can be arranged.

Thanks from All We Can

The December newsletter reported the All We Can responses to the March 2021 fire in the Rohingya refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar and the earthquake that shook Haiti in August 2021.

Read more about the work of All We Can.

All We Can update

The latest newsletter reports that, in addition to addressing the impact of Covid 19, the Methodist Relief and Development charity has continued its work with and to support communities addressing drought and water-supply issues in Zimbabwe; the rebuilding of Rohingya refugees’ homes after a fire in the Kutupalong Camp in Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh; relief & rehabilitation from the August earthquake in Haiti; and restoration after cyclones’ devastation affected over 3 million people across southern Africa.

See the blog for more details and articles.

Christian Aid Week 10 – 16 May 2021

This climate crisis hurts us all. But people living in poverty fight the worst of it every day.
From drought to flooding, climate change robs people of control over their lives. Extreme weather means people like Rose are struggling to survive without a reliable source of water.

Your gift could help a community build an earth dam, so when the rains do come, they will have the water they need to live. A reliable source of water will help families withstand long drought or relentless rainstorms.

Make your donation online.