At Wednesday’s meeting it was agreed that
- the Easter display in the porch will remain to Pentecost (20th May) after which a new display will focus on images of doves and flames;
- as part of ‘Jonah in June’ two open evenings will be held on Wednesdays 6th and 27th June to explore and deepen our scripture knowledge;
- a series of exploration evenings will be held in autumn on the theme of “Talking of God” on Wednesdays 26th September, 7th October, 14th and 28th November – these fit within the university term;
- a different approach will be taken to “fifth Sunday” worship on Sunday 29th July (lectionary Gospel is John 6, ‘the great picnic’) with a shorter act of worship then invitation to join a shared meal elsewhere (details to be developed!);
- Sunday 24th June will be united worship in Marketgait led by URC Ministers;
- the next meetings will be on Monday 11th June at 12 noon (to plan 29th July service / outing), and Wednesday 22nd August at 1 pm.