Lent 2018

The Lenten liturgy to be used in worship this year comprises the reading of and a reflection on a selected Psalm for each week. A copy of each Psalm will be placed on the Cross in the worship area.

A display in the porch has also been created to assist our own meditation and to be visible, like the Nativity figures during Advent and Christmas, to people outside.

Advent Liturgy

This year’s Advent Liturgy in Dundee was created at the Circuit Preachers’ Training Day and is offered as a gift from the Preachers to our churches and ecumenical partners.

Church Council résumé

On Wednesday the following decisions were taken:

  • reappointments of Church Treasurer (D Easson), Council Secretary (M Goudie), Pastoral Secretary (J Easson), the Independent Examiner (“auditor”) (F Thomas) and the appointment of the in-coming Finance & Property Convener (K Pearson);
  • in connection with the church development, opening of a property scheme in the Connexional property system, also appointment of Andrew Black Design as architect; an initial sum of £5k to be identified within the church accounts as a redevelopment fund;
  • as there will be no Communion Offering in November (Service in Salem URC), the sum of £50 will be forwarded to the Earl Haig Fund with no need for a (subsequent) retiring offering. This is the amount of the Communion Offering in November 2016 allocated to Tayforth Veterans, but returned to us because of difficulties within the organisation. The Council agreed that, given the work of Tayforth Veterans and the Earl Haig Fund both aim to offer support to former Service personnel, this amount could be treated as the 2017 Communion Offering for the Earl Haig Fund. Please contact the Church Treasurer with any comments or queries, and / or any further donations.
  • Public Worship will take place in Marketgait on Christmas Day at 10.30am.
  • Next meeting – Wednesday 7th February 2018, at 7pm.

Updates were received from the ClothesBank and the Link Club; discussion was held about Scottish Churches Housing Action, ‘MHA extra Christmas card’ (details to come), the return to be made to OSCR, process for decision-making by email, and Data Protection requirements.

Worship Consultation

The next Dundee Worship Consultation will be on Wednesday 8th November at 1pm.
All interested are invited; feedback, comments on and material for worship can be given to Sue Commander.

Worship in Advent training day

Saturday 4th November, 10.30am to 4.30pm
Dundee Methodist Church

The Circuit Preachers are holding a training day to which they warmly invite all interested; it will consider and plan for the marking of Advent in and throughout the Circuit’s churches.
“This is open to Preachers, Church Stewards, members of Worship Consultation groups and anyone else interested. It is hoped that during the session, as well as exploring many aspects of Advent, a suitable Advent liturgy can be agreed for use throughout the circuit.”