All are Welcome in this place

We sing this from time to time, but I have been challenged to take it more seriously.  I was very impressed with the arrangements at Methodist Conference to make the Conference accessible in all sorts of ways including a ramp up to an adjustable podium.

This came after learning that someone was not able to attend worship at our church because they turned up in a wheelchair.  This is a matter of regret and something we have the ability to do something about.  In addition, I recognise some of our own members struggle with the stairs.  Whilst we are working on plans for a lift as part of the refurbishment, this will take quite some time.  At the worship consultation we discussed meeting downstairs for worship on a Sunday.  Whilst there are some practical issues, these can be resolved and we are small enough in number to fit comfortably downstairs.  I would like us to try this so that we truly are a welcoming place of worship.

Welcoming all can also mean going out of the building to let people know they are welcome.  The first Dundee Pride takes place on Saturday 22nd September.  I have reserved a space in the march for Dundee Methodist Church.  I shall be going along with a few others.  If any of you would like to join us or find out more, please speak to me.


Worship Consultation brief résumé

Wednesday afternoon’s discussion included the following:

  • feedback on “Jonah in June” and Café Service and Trip for lunch at St John’s, Arbroath;
  • lengthy conversation about the challenges for all of us of how to actively be and appear “welcoming to and of all”
  • Harvest – Café Service on  23rd September based on All We Can material;
  • care for, interaction with, and involvement of children in worship, across a range of ages;
  • window and porch displays
  • next Meeting – Wednesday  7th November, 1pm.

Worship Planning

All interested are invited to the planning session in Marketgait on Monday 11th June at 12 noon,when worship and other activities on Sunday 29thJuly will be further considered.  The Worship Consultation suggested an act of worship followed by eating together away from Marketgait – on the pattern of a church family picnic.  Come, if you can, to the planning meeting or contact Sue Commander with ideas.

Jonah in June – worship & exploration

As part of a Connexional initiative, the Circuit congregations will focus on looking at the Old Testament book of Jonah during worship in June / early July.

It is also planned to hold supporting Group meetings in each church; in Dundee these will be on Wednesdays 6th and 27th June at 7pm in Marketgait.  Everyone is warmly invited to share this time of further exploration and deepening of our knowledge of the Bible.

Worship Consultation résumé

At Wednesday’s meeting it was agreed that

  • the Easter display in the porch will remain to Pentecost (20th May) after which a new display will focus on images of doves and flames;
  • as part of ‘Jonah in June’ two open evenings will be held on Wednesdays 6th and 27th June to explore and deepen our scripture knowledge;
  •  a series of exploration evenings will be held in autumn on the theme of “Talking of God” on Wednesdays 26th September, 7th October, 14th and 28th November – these fit within the university term;
  • a different approach will be taken to “fifth Sunday” worship on Sunday 29th July (lectionary Gospel is John 6, ‘the great picnic’) with a shorter act of worship then invitation to join a shared meal elsewhere (details to be developed!);
  •  Sunday 24th June will be united worship in Marketgait led by URC Ministers;
  • the next meetings will be on Monday 11th June at 12 noon (to plan 29th July service / outing), and Wednesday 22nd August at 1 pm.

Jonah in June

The Methodist Church encourages us to take a month to study a book of the bible in depth. In June, all the circuit preachers will be looking at the book of Jonah.

To complement the preaching, we have arranged two evening sessions in which we will be able to discuss points that arise from our studies. These will be held in Marketgait on Wednesdays 6th and 27th June at 7pm. All are welcome.

Good Friday worship

We have been invited to share in the Good Friday service on March 30th at the Congregational Church in Dundee along with Salem URC and Meadowside St Pauls. Nick will be preaching the sermon. The service starts at 6:30pm. All welcome.

Lent 2 Liturgy

Psalm 27

A Prayer of Thanksgiving

God, our friend and our parent,
we give you thanks
that in your might and power
you gave birth to our universe
and this wonderful world,
with all its richness and beauty.

We give you thanks
that you made us in your image,
and that within us you placed
a yearning to seek out that which is beyond us
yet makes us whole beings –
your wonderful, transforming presence
in our lives.

We give you thanks
that through the passage of time,
through prophet, priest, ordinary people
and the whole of creation,
you have reached out to us and all humanity,
that we might know you more.

We give you thanks
for the ultimate revelation of you,
O gracious God,
in the coming of your Son Jesus to this our world,
and for his death on the cross –
that ultimate picture of how much you love us.
For all this we give you thanks. Amen.

(c) ROOTS for the Churches Ltd

World Day of Prayer

On the first Friday of March every year, Christian women around the world invite everyone to join in a Service on a theme prepared by women in one part of the world; for this year the material has been written by Christian women in Suriname on the theme

“All God’s creation is very good”.

The Dundee service will take place on Friday 2nd March at 2.30pm in St Andrew’s Roman Catholic Cathedral in the Nethergate. All are welcome and there will be refreshments served afterwards.
Note that the District Event in Perth includes observance of World Day of Prayer in its programme.

Lent 1 Liturgy

Psalm 91


I, who live in the shelter of the Most High,
who abide in the shadow of the Almighty,
will say to the Lord,
‘My refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.’

For you will deliver me
from the snare of the fowler,
and from the deadly pestilence;
you will cover me with your pinions,
and under your wings I will find refuge;
your faithfulness is a shield and buckler.


(c) ROOTS for the Churches Ltd