Worship Consultation points to note

Discussion included

  • Lent material this year, especially the effective use of Lego, the challenging nature of the theme, and preachers’ incorporation into their services – feedback will be sent to MWiB who produced the material;
  • an illustrated item about our recent Lent displays will be sent for publication in the September “In Touch”;
  • the success of the Easter Breakfast was noted with intention of having further such Breakfasts from time to time;
  • discussion about “eye-catching displays” to draw public attention across the front windows – recognising practical difficulties, need for quick impact & some discernible Christian / Church linkage or context;
  • acknowledgement that arranging porch displays is physical work; alternatives to moving the Beechwood table to be considered.
  • next meeting – Wednesday 14thAugust, 1pm.

Worship on 26th May at St Paul’s Cathedral

Following on from the last church council Nick has had conversations with St Paul’s Episcopal Church.  One result of this is that we have all been invited to share in the service at St Paul’s on Sunday 26 May.  Nick has been invited to preach.  In addition to worshipping and sharing around the Lord’s table together, this is an opportunity to build our relationships with another church.

The service on Sunday 26th May will take place at St Pauls Cathedral at 10:30am and not at Marketgait

If the timing presents an issue for anybody because of transport please speak with a steward.  There are a number of steps to the front door of the church but once inside it is level (there is an electronic stair climber available – if it is to be used prior notice is helpful).

Worship Consultation – points to note

At the recent open gathering, discussions covered

  • feedback from Advent & Christmas, including suggestion that this year the decoration of the tree form part of a more social gathering (post-Service lunch & Tree Decorating Event on Advent Sunday)
  • worship & porch / window display during Lent to link with the worship liturgy theme of “Longer Tables, Lower Fences” (hospitality, removal of barriers) using material prepared by Methodist Women in Britain;
  • further thoughts on ways to help widen participation in worship;
  • decision to use only Gluten-free Bread in Communion .
  • Next meeting – Wednesday 15th May, 1pm.

Building relationships among churchless Christians

The Rev Nik Wooller is stationed in our Circuit on an 50:50 basis with the District since she is in receipt of Connexional funding for her role to build relationships alongside ‘churchless-Christians’.  As part of this responsibility, she is visiting churches throughout the District to explain something of what her work involves – next Sunday is “her District visit to Dundee”.

Worship Consultation

The meeting of the worship consultation on 7th November decided

  • An ‘Alternativity’ Advent Liturgy will be used during worship on Sundays from December 2nd  to January 6th;
  • the Tree will be erected on Friday 7th December and decorated on Saturday 8th December;
  • arrangements for porch and window displays are being finalised;
  • there will be no offering during worship on Christmas Day.

Worship Consultation

This open meeting in Marketgait at 1pm on Wednesday will include conversation and decisions about marking the Advent-Christmas season.  Please give apologies, suggestions, suitable material and thoughts about our worship life to Sue C, its Convener.

Worshipping downstairs

The new Stewarding Team of Mary, Fiona, Sue and Sue, met together with Nick on Thursday evening and discussed many aspects of church life, including the proposal to worship downstairs with effect from the Harvest Service on 23rd September.

Whilst recognising that many people have concerns about this proposal, we do feel it is something that we should take forward, so want to give everyone the chance to talk about this openly and share their concerns.

We are therefore holding a meeting in the church on Thursday 13th September at 7.30 pm and invite everyone to come along.  If anyone is unable to attend but has views that they wish to make known, please speak to any of the Stewards or to Nick.  The move will also be discussed and reviewed at the Church Council meeting on 24th October.