Plans for worship in September

The Circuit Leadership Team met on Thursday to consider worship in the circuit.

From Sunday 6th September, there will be a weekly pre-recorded Circuit Service available from 11am on YouTube. It is intended that, especially for those not able to access or wishing to use IT, there will be a full transcript of the Service, plus an audio CD, and maybe even a DVD. (Ideally, these will be ready in advance.)

ThePreachers’ Meeting this Thursday will discuss practicalities and implications, their availability and technical possibilities.

As it is hoped that there will be a range of participants (eg for Bible readings), volunteers will be welcome – please let Nik Wooller or Sue Marshall-Jennings know if you feel able to contribute in any way:
Contact details are Nik: 01250 870899;; Sue: 01334 854257;

There will be an initial trial for a month – it is hoped to make the Service as well produced as possible but no doubt learning to make it even better. Nik Wooller has offered to compile and edit the parts of the Service.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity: 18 – 25 January

wooden boat on dunes

The title of this year’s material prepared by Churches in Malta and Gozo, is “Unusual Kindness”, exploring the theme of hospitality, especially in the context of Malta as the location of St Paul’s shipwreck (Acts 27 – 28) and contemporary experience of seeking to welcome refugees.

The Broughty Ferry Churches Group service will be at 12 noon on Thursday in St Mary’s Episcopal Church (Queen Street, DD5 1AJ).  All are warmly welcome to this service and to other ecumenical acts of worship during the Week.

Full leaflet with daily devotions to download.

Arrangements for Advent and Christmas

Christmas Tree decoration
The Worship Consultation suggested that the Tree be in place for us all to help decorate during Lunch on December 1st. It was also thought that the children might prepare suitable decorations downstairs during worship and hang them on the Tree during Sundays in Advent.

The Nativity Figures are to be displayed in the porch window from the start of December (ie the beginning of Advent). It is also hoped to have an Advent / Christmas themed poem & picture in the window.

Worship on Sunday 29th December
An invitation has been received from Meadowside St Paul’s Church of Scotland to join them and their linked congregation, St Andrew’s, for worship on the Sunday after Christmas. This invitation has been accepted and MStP have expressed pleasure at this; their Interim Moderator, the Rev Caroline Jackson, has also made contact about Methodist participation in the Service.

Worship Consultation

The next meeting will be on Tuesday 5th November at 10.15am in Marketgait.  It will look at Advent & Christmas worship, as well as any other items of relevance to our worship life.  Please give apologies, feedback, or material to Sue Commander.


Worship Consultation résumé

The recent meeting covered the following items:

  • The Harvest Café Service  on 29th September will be a Local Arrangement. A planning meeting for all interested will be held at 1pm Wednesday 11th September (“L”);
  • Study Group meetings on “whole church basis” (ie distinct from smaller pastoral support gatherings) on Wednesdays 11th and 25th September at 7pm in the “L” shaped room. These are to conclude the” Talking of God” series.
  • New study group meetings on the theme “What’s the Story?” – based on book by the President & Vice-President of Conference. These will take place on Wednesdays at 7pm in the “L” shaped room. 23rd October, 6th and 20th November, 4th December. These meetings are open to all – please contact a Church Steward if you need help with transport.
  • possibility of recording sermons for those unable to attend Marketgait worship;
  • next meeting – Tues 5th November at 10.15am.

Worship Consultation

An invitation is given to all interested in our worship life to the Consultation at 1pm on Wednesday. Items to be discussed include our café harvest service (a “Local Arrangement”) at the end of September. Please give apologies and / or suggestions, material or comments about our worship to Sue C (Convener) or any Church Steward.

Bible Month

This year’s bible month will  focus on the Letter to the Colossians. In Dundee, this will take place on Sundays 16th & 23rd June, 7th & 14th July.

There is online material, including videos,  for those interested in reading round the subject.

General Church Meeting Sunday 2nd June 2019

Worship will start at 11am as usual and be in a café-style format.

General Church Meeting business includes conversation on church life, reports from the Church Stewards and Treasurer, and appointments of Church Stewards and representatives to the Church Council.  Nominations should be given to the Council Secretary, Margaret Goudie, or the Minister as soon as possible, please.

There will be a lunch after worship – please bring food to share with others; please let Sue M-J know what you are offering to bring.  Please also note that, as proceedings may last beyond 1pm, Council city centre parking charges apply after then.