Meet the new circuit superintendent

From 1st September Revd Andrew Baker will be the Superintendent of the Angus, Dundee and Perthshire Circuit for one year.

Andrew will already be known to some of you as the Superintendent of the Strathclyde circuit.

He will continue as the Superintendent there for 0.75 time and will be Superintendent in ADP for 0.25 time. In practice Andrew will visit the circuit for 3 days every 4 weeks and will be available by ‘phone and zoom.

On Thursday 16th / Friday 17th May I will be taking Revd Andrew Baker around the circuit to introduce him to the churches.  Dundee Methodists are invited to come and meet with Andrew on Thursday 16th May at Dundee 3 pm in Roseangle.

With good wishes


Dundee Methodists’ Gathering – advance notice

The next consultative get-together is to be in Roseangle on Sunday May 19th, in the context of worship and a shared picnic lunch. Our ‘agenda’ will include any nominations to the East of Scotland General Church Meeting in June (ie Steward(s) & Council representatives), plus arrangements for Sundays in June-July when, as last year, Roseangle will not be available to us because of public exhibitions. We will also no doubt need to look ahead to proposed arrangements for the next Connexional Year after Nick’s removal to Cumbria.

This meeting is open to all – please let me know of any matters we might discuss, conversations we might have, ‘ blue sky thinking” we could indulge in….

Thanks, Jenny E