Are you able to help with stewarding?

Jenny Easson has taken on, for the present, the task of compiling the rota for Sunday duties. We need volunteers to be stewards at the door before the service, to serve and clear up after coffee and to assist in counting the collection, both after the service. If you are willing to join the teams for these duties, please contact Jenny.

Lent 2018

The Lenten liturgy to be used in worship this year comprises the reading of and a reflection on a selected Psalm for each week. A copy of each Psalm will be placed on the Cross in the worship area.

A display in the porch has also been created to assist our own meditation and to be visible, like the Nativity figures during Advent and Christmas, to people outside.

Building redevelopment

We have now received plans from the architect showing what might be possible. The Church Council agreed that the next step was to commission a structural engineer, who should be able to tell us whether the proposals are structurally feasible.

If the structural engineer’s report is favourable, we will proceed to commission a quantity surveyor, who will be able to work out how much various parts of the proposals would cost.


Church Council decisions

On Wednesday the Church Council:

  • looked for the first time at the architect’s plans, and agreed to commission  a structural survey of the building;
  • discussed the renewal of the contract for electricity supply;
  • heard about the work of the Link Club and ClothesBank;
  • agreed to the  appointment of Sue Marshall-Jennings as a Pastoral Visitor;
  • considered Data Protection and Safeguarding;

The proposed date of the General Church Meeting is Sunday 3rd June.

The next Church Council meeting is on  Wednesday 24th October at 7pm.

Why Methodism? – dates

3 explorations of our Methodist heritage and identity will be led by the Rev Nick Baker in Marketgait at 7pm on

  • Wednesday 21st February
  • Wednesday 7th March and
  • Wednesday 21st March

Everyone is warmly welcomed to share in all or any of these.

Do not be fooled

We have been told that people pretending to be from the Methodist Church may be working in Scotland, trying to obtain money by fraudulent means.

They appear to be offering to supply household goods, but asking for payment before the goods are seen. Once the money has been paid, no goods are delivered, and the victim has no means of contacting those to whom they have paid the money.

These fraudsters are not acting on behalf of the Methodist Church, which clearly does not condone actions of this kind.

If you or a vulnerable person you know has suffered in this way, or appears to be at risk,  please contact Police Scotland.


Visit of President and Vice President of Conference to Scotland

The President of the Methodist Conference, the Rev Loraine Mellor, and the Vice President, Jill Baker, will be based in Strathclyde and Paisley for their visit to the Scotland District this year. They will visit churches in the area during the two days they are with us in the District.

On Tuesday 24th April at 7pm members of the District are invited to join them at Pollokshaws Methodist Church G43 1NY for a celebration service.

Why Methodism? Dates fixed

The meetings on ‘Why Methodism?’ have now been scheduled for Wednesdays 21st February, 7th March and 21st March, all at 7pm. Rev Nick Baker will lead us in exploring together what is distinctive about Methodism in the Christian tradition and what we enjoy (and don’t enjoy!) about being Methodist. Each meeting will last an hour and a half.

All are very welcome to attend, even if you can make only some of the dates. You do not need to be a member of the Methodist church, or of any church!