Easter Greetings from the Philippines

A card and greetings have been sent to us by Christian Paul N Calero (aka ‘Toto’), whom we sponsor though Signpost International.  The message he has written reads

“May you find the renewal of hope, health and love and the spirit of God.  Happy Easter to you and lovly (sic) family.”

Through our sponsorship, Signpost Intentional is helped to support projects to benefit the whole community of West Habog Habog where Toto and his family live.

Easter Offering Appeal

Envelopes are available for support of the world-wide work of the Church.  This year’s focus, on the theme Seek Peace and Pursue It” (Psalm 34, v14) is on situations in Sri Lanka, Japan, and Israel-Palestine.

Envelopes may be returned via the offerings plate today or in coming weeks.

The Easter Offerings Appeal’s origins date back some 135 years to the tradition of particular support for Methodist Women Missionaries; money donated now goes to the World Mission Fund which in 2017 received £340,641 from the Easter Offering Appeal.  The Appeal and associated Service is offered as a gift from Methodist Women in Britain (MWIB) to the whole Church.

More information & stories.

Lent 5 liturgy

Lent 5: Reading – Psalm 126

A prayer of blessing

A blessing on you,
God the Father,
for the goodness of your creation.

A blessing on you,
God the Son,
for bringing us your salvation.

A blessing on you,
God the Holy Spirit,
for your ongoing revelation.

A blessing on God
now and for evermore.


(c) ROOTS for the Churches Ltd

Circuit Meeting Report

On Wednesday the meeting

  • appointed a new Circuit Treasurer, a new Circuit Secretary, and an additional Circuit Steward (all with immediate effect);
  • the Arbroath and Montrose societies will be represented at Circuit Leadership Team meetings;
  • accepted the financial, Preachers’ and Mission in Britain reports;
  • agreed a loan of £25k to Dundee for building renovation purposes;
  • expressed support for the month of June a Circuit focus on the book of Jonah during June, in worship and other groups, as part of a Connexional programme;
  • heard “exciting news” from each of the 5 congregations in the Circuit.

Good Friday worship

We have been invited to share in the Good Friday service on March 30th at the Congregational Church in Dundee along with Salem URC and Meadowside St Pauls. Nick will be preaching the sermon. The service starts at 6:30pm. All welcome.


Pastor Margarita from Sevlievo wrote recently to thank the Circuit for the help it had sent for Svetla and her family. ‘It is a witness to her family of our love and care.’

She also told us about an old Bulgarian custom.

‘Soon it will be 1st March. This day is special in Bulgaria. We call it “Grandma March Day”. On this day we give each other a martenitsa. It is made of white and red cotton or woollen threads. It symbolises good health, long life, fertility and abundance. The white colour symbolises purity, innocence and joy. The red colour symbolises life, health and the fire of love. One of the traditional forms of the martenitsa is of a boy and a girl, called Pizho and Pends respectively. In folk tradition the month of March is personified by a woman – Granny March. Her mood constantly changes and so weather in March also changes quite a lot. We say that when Grandma March is angry, weather is cold, and when she smiles – it is sunny and warm. People wear the martenitsa pinned on the lapel, around the waist or around the neck. They take it off when they see the first stork. If they don’t see one, they take it off on 22 March when spring officially starts.

According to the legend when the Bulgarians led by Khan Asparuh reached the Danub valley (present day North Bulgaria) they were enchanted by the place and decided to settle down there. After declaring the new Bulgarian state the khan decided to make a sacrificial offering to god Tangra. Tradition demanded the sacrificial fire to be lit with a stalk of dried dill but the Bulgarians could not find any. While they were wondering what to do a falcon landed on the khan’s shoulder. It had a stalk of dill tied to its leg with a white woollen thread, half of it red because of the blood dripping from the falcon’s injured wing. The bird had been sent by the khan’s sister who had had a dream of her brother’s predicament. The khan took the dried dill and lit the fire. Then he pinned the white and red thread on his shirt to keep him in good health. Apart from the legend suggestions have been made that the martenitsas are an inheritance from the Thracians who have lived on this territory.

So we are sending a small martenitsa for each one of you wishing you happiness, good health and long life. May God bless you abundantly. While wearing your martenitsa do think of us all, and especially of Svetla and her son.’


One Mission Matters – Spring 2018

Read about the church’s response – “come-unity” in the aftermath of the Grenfell Tower fire, about Christians against Poverty, help for internally displaced communities in Northern Nigeria, a high street drop-in centre in Cumbria ……

One Mission Matters is published 3 times a year, and features projects that have received Mission grants from the Methodist church.

Christian Aid gathering – rescheduled

Wednesday 28th March 10:45am – 3pm

Augustine United Church, Edinburgh

Join us to find out how you can give, act and pray with us in 2018.

Come and celebrate the work of our partners and learn how they are transforming lives by standing up to climate change, overcoming inequality and tackling injustice.

Hear from Sally Foster-Fulton, Head of Christian Aid Scotland, and discover new ways to support Christian Aid’s work.

Be inspired to raise awareness, to raise money and to raise your voice.

More information.

Please do extend this invitation to others who may be interested and RSVP  to let us know who’s coming.

RSVP: Glasgow@christian-aid.org or 0141 221 7475.

Sevlievo news

We are delighted to hear from Pastor Margarita that Svetla is making good progress on her crutches.

Lent 4 liturgy

Psalm 32

A prayer for forgiveness

Great and mighty God, our creator and provider,
it is so easy for us to take your gifts,
your provision for us in your world,
and to misuse it,
for all the gifts that I have wasted this week,
forgive me.

For the love and care that you have given us,
for the times we have kept them locked within us
and not shared with others,
for all the love that I have wasted this week,
forgive me.

For the words that should bring comfort,
that should bring understanding,
but often bring hurt and discomfort,
for all the words that I have wasted this week,
forgive me.

Loving God, you wait for us
to follow your way of justice and reconciliation,
though it may be narrow and difficult,
for all the opportunities that I have wasted
this week, forgive me.

To all who truly repent you say:
‘Your sins are forgiven,
follow me.’
Thanks be to God. Amen.

(c) ROOTS for the Churches Ltd