All We Can’s work in Malawi

Malawi is one of the most impoverished countries in the world. While making progress, having held five peaceful presidential elections since 1993 and achieved steady growth in GDP, around 50% of the population still live below the international poverty line. There are many problems in Malawi that have contributed to such a high poverty rate: an over-reliance on subsistence farming, steady population growth, and the impact of the HIV/Aids crisis.

All We Can is working in the southern-most regions of Malawi with local organisations committed to seeing long-term and transformative change in the communities they work in.

All We Can works currently with 4 partners

  • Churches Action in Relief and Development
  • Adolescent Girls Literacy+
  • Eagles Relief and Development Programme
  • Foundation for Civic Education

Read more about these partners.

Greener energy for the church

Light-Bulb icon by Till Teenck greenAs from 1 April 2018, our church electricity supply is paid for through Ecotricity. All Ecotricity’s electricity comes from wind or solar power.

Our new contract is also cheaper than that offered by our previous supplier – so we save both carbon and money.


Methodist Conference 2018

Conference will meet in Nottingham University from Thursday 28thJune to Thursday 5thJuly. The prospective ordinands this year include the Rev Christopher Jackson, currently stationed on the Moray coast in the North of Scotland Mission Circuit, whose ordination is expected to take place in Chesterfield.

The elected Scotland District representatives this year include the Rev Nick Baker and Sue Marshall-Jennings.


Christian Aid Week

Christian Aid Week 2018 runs from 13 to 19 May, and focuses on long term work in Haiti after earthquake and hurricane, building disaster-proof homes.

Donate using an envelope delivered to your house or picked up from church. You may hand in your filled envelope to church; the money will be sent on to Christian Aid. Or donate online.

Why Methodism – what we discussed

A series of 3 meetings held in Lent 2018 considered our Methodist heritage.

In the first meeting, we heard about John Wesley, and the origins of the Methodist church. In the second meeting, we shared our own personal Methodist origins. Finally, we looked at the challenges of Our Calling as members of the Methodist Church and considered how we might live up to that calling.

Thy Kingdom Come

Waiting in Wonder

Thy Kingdom Come is a global prayer movement, which invites Christians around the world to pray between Ascension and Pentecost for more people to come to know Jesus Christ. What started out as an invitation from the Archbishops’ of Canterbury and York in 2016 to the Church of England has grown into an international and ecumenical call to prayer.

Resources for Prayer and Worship

The hope is that:

  • people will commit to pray with God’s world-wide family – as a church, individually or as a family;
  • churches will hold prayer events, such as 24-7 prayer, prayer stations and prayer walks, across the UK and in other parts of the world;
  • people will be empowered through prayer by the Holy Spirit, finding new confidence to be witnesses for Jesus Christ.

There are some specifically Methodist resources available.


Pastoral Committee résumé

At Tuesday’s meeting, members of the Pastoral Committee

  • shared news of Members and others
  • undertook re-allocation of those previously under the pastoral care of Paddy;
  • noted the forthcoming Baptism of Angus Jacka (Australian family with grandparental links to Montrose Methodist Church) by the Rev Nick Baker during worship on Sunday 13thMay;
  • agreed an Act of Re-dedication of Pastoral Visitors during worship on an appropriate date on next quarter’s Plan;
  • agreed next meeting for Tuesday 6th November at 10.15am in Marketgait.