Sewing Project for our Churches?

“Do you like sewing? Would you like to join with other members in our Circuit to help in making quilts for the children in the village in Bulgaria where Julya (Walsh) lives?”

Janice Swankie, of St John’s Methodist Church, Arbroath is contacting the Circuit’s churches as she is hoping to set up a “sewing project” as part of our common community outreach.

She would like to start a community sewing project within the 5 churches in our circuit and is inviting help from anyone interested.

 “You don’t need any special skills. We need people who can sew a straight line with a sewing machine, cut material and iron the blocks for assembling into quilts.”

Support could also be offered through donations of fleece blankets, cotton material and “wadding layers”.

Janice suggests that this would not only be a worthwhile project in itself but give a chance to meet and get to know each other better, with time for chat, laughter and “a cup of tea”.

If you are interested in hearing more, please contact Janice.


Asda funds for Clothes Bank

Asda have kindly donated £300 to the Clothes Bank. This will help us to replenish our stocks of new underwear for our clients.

The picture shows Sue and the Community Champion.

General Church Meeting résumé

At the annual GCM on June 3rd, warm thanks were expressed by the Minister to all who serve the Church and support its life and work, both in formally-appointed offices, and in many other ways.

The formal business included:

  • Election of Church Stewards (with effect from 1stSept): Sue, Sue, Mary and Fiona;
  • the existing representatives to Church Council will continue in office;
  • the Stewards’ and Treasurer’s Reports were received and accepted;
  • update on property development – the proposed plans will be made available to members over the summer;
  • news was received from the Link Club, ClothesBank, and Study Groups.


All We Can in Jordan

Since the conflict in Syria began more than seven years ago, over 4.8m Syrians have fled from their country because of violence, conflict, and a complete collapse of Syria’s economy and infrastructure (UNHCR figures). All We Can has been responding to the needs of refugees and their host communities in Jordan through experienced international and local humanitarian response partners. We have a particular focus on providing opportunities for refugees to not only survive, but to have access to resources and activities that help provide dignity, resilience and hope in extremely challenging circumstances.

Read more

A little help for the Clothes Bank

The ClothesBank continues to provide a service for those whose resources are very limited.

We have a loyal group of helpers, but we will all need a break at some time over the summer. This could make it difficult to staff what is a much-needed facility.

If you feel able to offer to help for as little as one session a month, please contact Margaret or any member of the ClothesBank team.

We do not open to clients unless we have at least two team members present, so new volunteers would never be left on their own. If you wish to sort donations, rather than deal with clients, that’s fine.

Sessions are 10am to 12noon Mondays and 1pm – 3pm Thursdays.

Worship Planning

All interested are invited to the planning session in Marketgait on Monday 11th June at 12 noon,when worship and other activities on Sunday 29thJuly will be further considered.  The Worship Consultation suggested an act of worship followed by eating together away from Marketgait – on the pattern of a church family picnic.  Come, if you can, to the planning meeting or contact Sue Commander with ideas.

General Church Meeting Agenda

  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Minutes of the last meeting
  3. The Life & Mission of the church including:
    1. The Clothing Project
    2. The Link Club
    3. Study groups
    4. Building redevelopment
  4. Financial Report
  5. Relationship with the United Reformed Church
  6. Stewards Report
  7. Appointments:
  8. Appointments of Stewards
  9. Representatives to the Church Council from the General Meeting
  10. AOCB
  11. Date of Next Meeting