Bags for Clothes Bank clients

Donations of bags for clients to take away their chosen clothes will be gratefully received – thanks are expressed to Tesco and Morrisons for supplying strong bags for this purpose.

Do you have a collecting box?

If anyone has a collecting box for any Methodist charity / fund, and would like to have them emptied, please hand them in to David Easson, Treasurer, before the middle of August. Thanks!

Methodist Prayer Handbook 2018-19 order

The 2018-19 edition, entitled ‘A World Transformed’ starts in September.  If you wish to add your name to a circuit order, please sign the sheet on the vestibule table or let Jenny Easson know. Standard print copies cost £3.50, large print copies £3.95.

Café Service and visit to Arbroath

On Sunday 29thJuly, there will be a shorter Act of Worship, led the Rev Nick Baker, from 10.45am to 11.30am, with an invitation thereafter to travel for food and fellowship together in Arbroath.

Our friends in St John’s in Arbroath will provide soup, tea/coffee and biscuits and ask that Dundee folk bring “food to share” (picnic-style items).  They are very much looking forward to a time of meeting, getting to know each other better, and learning about our life as different churches within the same Circuit.

If you hope to go to Arbroath, it would be helpful to know names, what type of food you might bring, and whether help with transport can be offered or would be helpful.  Please contact Sue Commander or Jenny Easson about this or for further information.


District Prayer Diary

Sue is now preparing the new District Prayer Diary and would be very pleased
to have contributions  on the themes – from the District Development Proposals – of Biblical Engagement and Social Action.

In previous years we have offered prayers for people and situations within
particular Circuits and hope to be able to do this again. Everyone is invited to submit contributions, which should be sent to Sue by 17th August.


Dundee Foodbank has moved

Dundee Foodbank’s main distribution centre has moved to St John’s Episcopal Church Hall, 110 Albert Street, Stobswell.

The Foodbank website gives the locations of all the distribution centres, and their opening hours.

Liz expresses thanks for all donations to the FoodBank, with the reminder that during school holidays, there are children who may be more hungry in the absence of school meals.  Our continuing, prayerful support is invited.

Ministerial cover

If there is need of a Circuit Minister from Wednesday 11th to Tuesday 24thJuly; please contact the Rev Nik Wooller.

Destitution, Discrimination and Distrust

A group of major Churches is launching a campaign to challenge the government’s approach to illegal immigration, which they say is leading to destitution, discrimination and distrust.

The Baptist Union, the Church of Scotland, the Methodist Church and the United Reformed Church have joined forces to call on the government to review entirely the web of policies that have created the hostile environment. In a new report for church members, Destitution, Discrimination and Distrust: the web of the hostile environment, they set out how aspects of the policies run counter to Christian teaching.

The campaign follows recent revelations about how British citizens such as members of the ‘Windrush generation’ have lost their homes, jobs and access to NHS treatment because of the policies. But the report argues that the web of the hostile environment reaches much further.

The church leaders said:

″As a group of Church denominations, the injustices of the hostile environment alarm us. The impact of the hostile environment has gone well beyond immigrants who are in the country illegally. It is of deep concern that people who do not look or sound ‘British’ are now facing increased levels of discrimination in finding homes and employment.

“We believe it is inhumane to use the threat of destitution as a policy tool to encourage people to leave the country and we call for an immediate end to indefinite detention.

″This is not about who we do or do not allow into the UK, but about how we relate to one another inside our borders. Due process, justice and the proper implementation of immigration policies should not require us to live in suspicion of our neighbour. The hostile environment spins a web of distrust and encourages suspicion. As Christians we believe that God calls us to offer welcome to the stranger and care for the vulnerable, whoever they are.

″Many of our churches support those who have suffered hardship as a result of the hostile environment. Our churches include some of the very people who are at risk of destitution and discrimination. Our Christian faith moves us to pray and work for a society where people are truly hospitable to one another.

″We are therefore calling for a review of immigration policy and practice to examine the damaging effects that the hostile environment is having on the whole of society.″