The Methodist Church in Bulgaria and proposed law changes

“At the annual meeting of the European Methodist Council gathered in Copenhagen from 7th-11th September 2018, the members of the Council were shocked to hear in detail of the proposed changes in Bulgaria law which will have serious impact on and severely limit the work of the Evangelical Methodist Episcopal Church in Bulgaria and the Church of the Nazarene (member Churches of the European Methodist Council ) and of all other churches with a membership less than 1% of the population.

The European Methodist Council therefore expresses its great concern of the violation of the Bulgarian Constitution’s provision of the separation of Church and State and of the right of independence of all religious organisations provided by the Bulgaria Constitution.”

The United Methodist Church in Central and Southern Europe covers churches in 16 countries, including Bulgaria.  The Bulgarian Methodist Church is  concerned that proposed amendments to the Religious Denominations Act would dramatically affect whether United Methodists could receive international support essential for their operation as churches, also possible effects about those allowed to serve as pastors.  The proposed changes would give the Religious Confessions Directorate control over donations, religious institution accreditation and education.

More details – or ask Sue Marshall-Jennings.

Talking of God – sharing the conversation

The first meeting of this series will take place in Marketgait on Wednesday 26th September from 7pm to c.8.30pm.  The theme of the first session is “Sharing the conversation”, thinking of the stories we each have to share.  Free course resource books will be available.


Dundee Pride March

“All are welcome in this place” – welcoming all can also mean going out of the building to let people know they are welcome.  The first Dundee Pride takes place on Saturday 22nd September.  I have reserved a space in the march for Dundee Methodist Church.  I shall be going along with a few others.  If any of you would like to join us or find out more, please speak to me.        Nick

Worshipping downstairs

The new Stewarding Team of Mary, Fiona, Sue and Sue, met together with Nick on Thursday evening and discussed many aspects of church life, including the proposal to worship downstairs with effect from the Harvest Service on 23rd September.

Whilst recognising that many people have concerns about this proposal, we do feel it is something that we should take forward, so want to give everyone the chance to talk about this openly and share their concerns.

We are therefore holding a meeting in the church on Thursday 13th September at 7.30 pm and invite everyone to come along.  If anyone is unable to attend but has views that they wish to make known, please speak to any of the Stewards or to Nick.  The move will also be discussed and reviewed at the Church Council meeting on 24th October.

District Prayer Diary

Sue Marshall-Jennings would be pleased to receive further prayers, especially relating to local situations and concerns, for inclusion in the Diary – in the next few daysplease.

All are Welcome in this place

We sing this from time to time, but I have been challenged to take it more seriously.  I was very impressed with the arrangements at Methodist Conference to make the Conference accessible in all sorts of ways including a ramp up to an adjustable podium.

This came after learning that someone was not able to attend worship at our church because they turned up in a wheelchair.  This is a matter of regret and something we have the ability to do something about.  In addition, I recognise some of our own members struggle with the stairs.  Whilst we are working on plans for a lift as part of the refurbishment, this will take quite some time.  At the worship consultation we discussed meeting downstairs for worship on a Sunday.  Whilst there are some practical issues, these can be resolved and we are small enough in number to fit comfortably downstairs.  I would like us to try this so that we truly are a welcoming place of worship.

Welcoming all can also mean going out of the building to let people know they are welcome.  The first Dundee Pride takes place on Saturday 22nd September.  I have reserved a space in the march for Dundee Methodist Church.  I shall be going along with a few others.  If any of you would like to join us or find out more, please speak to me.


Worship Consultation brief résumé

Wednesday afternoon’s discussion included the following:

  • feedback on “Jonah in June” and Café Service and Trip for lunch at St John’s, Arbroath;
  • lengthy conversation about the challenges for all of us of how to actively be and appear “welcoming to and of all”
  • Harvest – Café Service on  23rd September based on All We Can material;
  • care for, interaction with, and involvement of children in worship, across a range of ages;
  • window and porch displays
  • next Meeting – Wednesday  7th November, 1pm.

Talking of God

A series of meetings on the theme Talking of God has been arranged over the autumn months. All interested are welcome to share in our consideration of how we speak of God – through stories, experiences and thoughts.

The meetings will all take place in the Methodist Church, Marketgait, on Wednesday September 26thOctober 17th, November 14th and 28th, , from
7 to 8.30 pm.