Church Council brief résumé

Council members and several others attended.

Matters agreed were:

  • appointment for a further year of Council Secretary (Margaret), Church Treasurer (David) & Pastoral Secretary (Jenny);
  • conversation by the whole church on important issues raised in the paper “Being Methodist in our Christian Life in Scotland today” (copies available) – open meetings on Tuesday 4th December from 7pm-9pm and Sunday 20th January (over / after ‘faith lunch’);
  • property redevelopment;
  • Financial Statements formally accepted;
  • increased frequency of Council meetings;
  • note of decision for upstairs worship;
  • Christmas Service on 25thDecember at 10.30am; tree erected 8th December;
  • Council date (before Circuit Meeting) – Thursday 27th February at 7pm.

Update from Traidcraft

Our Board is currently investigating a proposal which would mean Traidcraft is downsized, but transformed into a fair trade business of tomorrow – fit for purpose (and success) in the 21stcentury.  If the proposal is accepted, Traidcraft would continue to operate, and you’d be able to continue to shop with us and change the lives of growers and artisans worldwide.  The Board believes that this transformation is possible, as long as our loss-making model changes.  A new model is being developed by internal staff and external advisors, and we hope to share our vision with you in the week commencing 5th November.

Communion Offering in November

The Church Council on  Wednesday decided that, as part of the commemorations of the centenary of the ending of World War I, there would be no Communion Offering on 4thNovember but encouragement be given for generous contributions to a Retiring Offering on Sunday November 11t(Armistice Sunday itself); the proceeds would be divided between 2 charities associated with support for victims of warfare (chosen charities to be publicised next Sunday).

Scottish Churches Housing Action Christmas Cards

Scottish Churches Housing Action has Christmas cards for sale – price £2.50 for pack of 10 (and see below for postage).

These cards showing “Home“, a bright and warm place, a modern “Christmas family”, in what might otherwise seem an impoverished setting, are designed by Mary Jane Cameron.  The message inside reads “Wishing you peace, health and happiness at Christmas”.  Proceeds will benefit SCHA, and the ongoing work to give more people the chance of an affordable home.

David Easson could collect them from the SCHA office when he is there on any of 7th November or 6th or 13th December, thus eliminating the P&P charge.  Let David know in advance if you would like him to bring cards back for you.

Otherwise, to order cards, please email with your name & address, and number of packs required.  Alternatively phone 0131 477 4500, or write to  44 Hanover St, Edinburgh EH2 2DR.


All We Can working with partner churches

All We Can recognises that churches have unique strengths that potentially make them ideal partners in the field of relief and development, particularly when working with local communities. These include their closeness to, and legitimacy with, those in need; their long-term presence; their ability to mobilise sustainable voluntary commitment from members; and their potential for local and global advocacy. For many churches and individual Christians responding to injustice and poverty, helping poor and disadvantaged communities to overcome their difficulties and live life to the full are central to their response to the experience of God’s love.

See how All We Can is working with partner churches.

Seeing Injustice, Imagining Change

1st December 2018 10:30 am – 4:15 pm

Led by Bishop Anne Dyer.
Organized by the Gender Justice Group of the Diocese of St Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane.
Cost £10.00 including coffee, lunch, teas (bursaries available).
St John’s Episcopal Church, Princes Street, Perth

Registration required by Saturday 24 November.
Contact Val Nellist, email, tel: 01383 824 066

Bible month in 2019

Bible Month is being re-launched for 2019 with the focal Book for June next year being St Paul’s Letter to the Colossians.  Supportive notes will be written by the renowned Methodist theologian and NT Scholar, the Rev Prof James G D Dunn.

More information on Bible Month.


Property Development update

In response to the stated need for wider communication of developments

  • the Plans are now on view in the downstairs “L” room in Marketgait;
  • an update from Nick Baker was distributed last week – copies are available on the vestibule table, please ask a Steward or news-sheet editor for a copy if you have not received one;
  • attendance at the Church Council on Wednesday 24thOctober is open to all (anyone may be invited to speak; only Council Members may vote).