Talking Together of God

Last week’s meeting was cancelled because of potential small numbers and the prevailing weather conditions.  If you wish to find a date to meet and complete the course, please let Nick know.  If there is a general wish to meet, we can consult diaries to arrange a suitable date and time.

Christmas Tree

The Tree will be erected upstairs during Friday and an invitation is given to all who wish, to join in decorating it on Saturday morning, from c 10.30am.

The young in age & heart and those with long arms are especially welcome!

Craft Fair

Please support and publicise this event, in Marketgait on Friday 30th and Saturday 1st from 10am – 3pm. It will take place upstairs – free entry, tea and coffee available.

Offers of help in hosting & catering will still be appreciated by Liz Kay

Property Redevelopment meeting report

The Redevelopment group met on Tuesday. Its discussions took place in the context of the congregation’s exploration of its future mission – what is our purpose here, and how does the building fit in with that mission? It considered where the congregation might be in 10 years’ time; how would we then be financing the running costs of the building? If we are to seek funds from external bodies for redevelopment, we need to tell a story about our proposed future use of the premises

It was recognised that the full range of options might include
• Raising £800,000 to implement the architect’s plans
• A cheaper version, perhaps with the worship area downstairs
• Installing only a lift and accessible toilets
• Partnering with another church
• Seeking guarantees of future rental income from user groups, especially those with a long term financial future
• Renting accommodation in the City centre.
The group aims to further the conversation on which options are desirable and feasible. We will investigate what our running costs are, and explore possible partnerships. We are aware that there are maintenance jobs that have been put on hold, but cannot be forgotten. We will investigate possible sources of funding.

The next meeting is fixed for Tuesday 15th January at 10 am.

Being Methodist in our Christian Life in Scotland today  –  Discussion Paper

To facilitate the important discussion we are asked to hold, copies of the Paper are available on the vestibule table (or by email from a Church Council member).

Two open meetings are to be held on

Tuesday 4th December from 7pm-9pm and Sunday 20th January (over / after ‘faith lunch’). All members of the congregation are urged to attend.

If you cannot attend, please give your views to a Church Steward or the Council Secretary, Margaret Goudie.

Church rotas

Jenny is asking for availability so she can compile rotas of duties for Sundays in December – February inclusive.  Please let her know if you wish to join and contribute, even on an infrequent basis – every little helps! Jenny compiles roots for door stewards, coffee after worship, and counting the offerings; training can be offered!

Worship Consultation

The meeting of the worship consultation on 7th November decided

  • An ‘Alternativity’ Advent Liturgy will be used during worship on Sundays from December 2nd  to January 6th;
  • the Tree will be erected on Friday 7th December and decorated on Saturday 8th December;
  • arrangements for porch and window displays are being finalised;
  • there will be no offering during worship on Christmas Day.

Traidcraft continuing

Traidcraft has notified its fair traders that it now proposes to continue trading after the end of the year.

It will be a much smaller organisation, and we do not yet know which lines will continue.  Watch this space!