Letters of thanks

Recipients of the Armistice Day retiring offering have expressed gratitude for our support of their work, providing the following information:

Help for Heroes: “Thousands of Servicemen and women are living with injuries and illnesses – both physical and mental – each and every day.  Together with their loved ones they continue to need our help to cope with the challenges they face.  Your support means they won’t have to battle alone.  Long-term recovery is more than repairing damaged bodies and minds; it’s about rebuilding lives.  Our mission is to deliver an enduring network of support to help our Heroes with their challenges and to go to live active independent and fulfilling lives.  This is at the heart of everything we do.”

One beneficiary has said – “Thanks with all my heart for being there for me and others.  Please don’t go away. One way or another, we’re going to need you for the rest of our lives.”

Blesma –The Limbless Veterans: “(We are) dedicated to the support of all serving and ex-Service men and women who have lost limbs, or lost the use of limbs or eyes, empowering them to lead independent and fulfilling lives.  We support our Members, both young and old, for life.  Just as we are still caring for our Second World War veterans, we also care for our younger generation, from recent conflicts that have survived complex trauma injury and will need specialised support as they age.  Rehabilitation, advocacy, counselling, and care are the four principles of our Association.  We work tirelessly to provide practical, emotional and financial support to injured veterans and their families as they rebuild their lives.”

Indonesia Tsunami Appeal

Following a request from All We Can to consider supporting their emergency work with others and particularly their local connections in Indonesia, there will be a retiring offering next Sunday, 13th January  to facilitate donations to them in support of the relief and rehabilitation work for victims of this disaster.  However, in the following couple of weeks, further donations can also be given to David Easson (Church Treasurer) for forwarding.

Indonesian tsunamis

All We Can is delivering humanitarian aid through partners on the ground, both in the Sulawesi province, following the earthquake and tsunami upheavals of late September, and also in the Sunda Strait villages after the more recent (22ndDecember) volcanic tsunami devastation.

Sleeping bags delivered to Calais refugees

Sleeping bags donated at the 3Generate Youth Event held in Southport in November were delivered in early December to Calais, to provide essential bedding for refugees. 70 Bags were taken by the Learning & Development Officer for the East Central District – this was Nigel Pimlott’s fourth trip to Calais where he acts as a volunteer with Care4Calais:
“(Refugees) have nowhere to live, no protection from the elements, live in constant fear, and they have little hope of tomorrow being any different from today.”

Toys for Underprivileged Children – Thanks

Thanks to some generous donations, we were able to provide Christmas gifts for 3 children who were referred by various agencies looking for support.  

M and T aged 7 and A aged 4 each received gifts of a warm coat, pyjamas, socks and a toy.

Thank you to those who donated towards these.S

The Anglican Church in Iran

Because of the recent increase in the stringency of economic sanctions, Iran’s economy is experiencing great rises in the prices of food and increasing scarcity of medicines and other essentials.

In the Anglican community in Iran, 3 small congregations continue to meet under pastoral oversight of the Vicar-General and 3 deacons who lead weekly services.

Christians of the Diocese of Iran and the wider community face the challenges of living at this demanding time. Archbishop Suheil, as President-Bishop, had planned to visit in mid-October, but it did not prove possible. It is a reminder of how isolated the congregations are.  It is rarely possible for people to visit.

In this situation, those outside the country can best serve these small communities by holding them in prayer, (remembering) all those who follow the way of Jesus in Iran, together with the whole population and leadership of the country.  Pray too for the role of Iran in the wider region.”

(from ‘Bible Lands’ the magazine of the Jerusalem and Middle East Church Association, Winter 2018 edition).

Three concerts – one past and two to come

  1. The Samuel Chorus concert took place in our premises on Thursday night.  An audience of c 40 heard the 18-strong Chorus.  As well as the performance being very well received, the setting was much praised for its warmth, acoustic, and lovely roof (one lady asked “How new is it?”).
  2. The Impromptu Singers  in Barnhill St Margaret’s this Friday  at 7.30pm, in aid of their Philippines Project.
  3. Dundee Choral Union’s 160th Anniversary Christmas Concert on Sunday 16th December in the Caird Hall at 7.30pm.  The two works are Gretchaninoff’s “Praise the Lord” and Mendelssohn’s “Hymn of Praise”.Tickets from David Easson: £15, students & unemployed £5, accompanied school pupils free.

Toys for Underprivileged Children

Church Council has agreed that we will support children in need throughout the city who have been referred by Social Work or other agencies and will buy gifts for a named 7 year old boy.  Any donations of gifts – or money to buy them – to Sue M-J as soon as possible please.’

Clothes Bank and Ninewells

‘The ClothesBank continues to provide clothing for those in need across the city and we are now also supplying ‘Hospital Bags’ to Ninewells.  These include pyjamas, slippers and essential toiletries for people or their carers who arrive at the hospital in an emergency and do not have time to pack a bag with essentials in it.  The bags for children also include a book and – thanks to a generous donation of £300 from Blackadders – will also include a teddy.  Dundee City Council staff have been fundraising especially for the Hospital Bags and we received a donation of over £170 this week.  Huge thanks to all who support the ClothesBank in so many different ways.’ SMJ

Kitchen monitor

At the recent Finance & Property Committee, it was agreed we should ask if there are any volunteers to “look after” the kitchen, a job which Paddy McFarlane did.  This is simply keeping an eye if any replacements are needed and generally ensuring that things are stored reasonably tidily.  If you can volunteer, please speak to Keith or Lorna.